Work is keeping me so busy, that I haven’t had time to be very crafty lately and it’s driving me nuts. This is why I LOVE the internet. I went searching one of my favorite sites and found these easy projects that inspire me to be crafty. Please act surprised if you get these for Christmas gifts:-)

Cinnamon Candles

Here is something SO easy. Anyone can glue cinnamon sticks onto a candle. Gotta love this project from Martha!

Table Decorations: Cinnamon Candle

Paper Covered Pens

One Pearl Button has a tutorial on how to make these pens. Basically you cut a strip of paper and stick it to the inside part of the pen with double stick tape! Super fast and super easy! My kind of craft.

Blog Assignment

Listen up ladies. I have an assignment for you!! Because we had a blast meeting each other’s husbands, I thought of a fun way to get to know them even better.

Does your husband own something that drives you crazy? Did he come into the marriage with that dreaded torn up lazy boy chair? Does he refuse to get rid of that 20 year old concert shirt full of holes? Or maybe there is a running joke in your house about something you own that he thinks is ridiculous! Maybe it’s something your kids or parents own? Either way, take a photo of it and create a post. Monday, I’ll have Mr. Linky ready to go along with what my husband can’t live without, but I definitely can!! ha!

If you missed out on the fun during Meet My Husband day, I’ve copied Mr. Linky here. Check out our husbands and add your link! Can’t wait to see what you come up with on Monday:-)

Gifts of Grace- Toys for East Plano

I only have a few weeks to collect 800 toys. I really need your help! Please help a child in need. All you have to do is 3 simple steps!! CLICK HERE to see how to help.

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  1. Hey Amy ~ if you go to WalMart look for some pens called RSVP pens. They work perfectly for rolling up the paper inside and making coordinating gifts. They come in several different colors too.

    Which annoying thing that my husband owns should I choose? Hmmm…so many choices. All I can say is that it’s a good thing you had the “Meet The Husbands” thing last week when I was in a ooshy-gooshy mood. This week it wouldn’t have been so pretty. Urgh! ๐Ÿ™‚

    The Arthur Clanโ€™s last blog post..Christmas Extravaganza – Part III

  2. I just discovered “One Pretty Thing” yesterday looking for ideas on how to make decorative pillowcases with ribbon trim. Such a great site!

    I saw those pens too and thought it was a cute idea for my kids to do!

    Ericaโ€™s last blog post..This thing called life

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