October 15th was Blog Action Day. Over 12,000 bloggers banded together to discuss a single issue – poverty. I am sad to say that I didn’t know about this until the following day. Well, now I have something to discuss on this topic and I need your help!
I’ve always had a deep desire to do something to help people, but never stepped outside of my little box other than to donate money or sponsoring a child far far away. I’ve never really gotten involved personally, until now. I’m excited to say that I’ve started a mission project at my church! Yeah! I’m excited, but also freaking out a little!
I started by asking around for something my MOPS (Mother’s of Preschoolers) group could do to help needy families in our community. I was then introduced to Pastor Roy Frady, of Willow Creek Fellowship of Plano, who serves mostly an underprivileged, multicultural congregation. From talking with Pastor Frady, I realized this community was in dire need of help. Along with needing food and clothing, he told me many of the children got nothing for Christmas last year, but small things the church handed out. I couldn’t believe families living only 15 minutes from me couldn’t afford to buy their kids ONE toy, when I have an ENTIRE playroom overflowing with them!
Amazingly, Pastor Frady has come up with ways to provide this community with food, clothing and school supplies. Well, then by golly… I wanted our MOPS group to provide them with toys!!!
This is how Gifts of Grace- Toys for East Plano was started and where I need your help blog land:-) Please, Please help a child in need. All you have to do is 3 simple steps!!
1. Cut out a tag provided on this pdf file.
2. Purchase a toy.
3. Mail your NEW toy with a securely attached tag by Nov. 30th to:
Grace Community Church
Att: Toys for East Plano
4501 Hedgcoxe Road
Plano, Texas 75024
**Please mail gifts by November 30th
You may send wrapped or unwrapped toys as long as you include a tag.
Our goal is to provide 800 Toys for this community need. Please help us reach our goal and make a difference in a child’s life!
I can’t wait to show you photos of the day we get to hand out these toys to the families! I hear there will be a long line of very thankful people wrapped all around the church. I just pray we get enough gifts for each child! If you live in my community and would like to help, please contact me.
For more information about participating churches please visit: www.findgrace.org and www.willowcreekfellowship.us
We only have a few weeks to get 800 TOYS!
Please help spread the word by adding a button to your side bar:
<p><a href=”https://www.livinglocurto.com/?p=1060%E2%80%B3″><img src=”https://www.livinglocurto.com/wp-content/uploads/2008/11/gracebutton.jpg”/></a></p>
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I am starting a toy drive in my town of Florence Ms and I decided on the name Gifts of Grace (great minds think alike huh hehe). I decided to google it and see what came up and it led me here. I wanted to make sure it was okay with you to use your name and logo for our community toy drive.
Also, good job on serving others and the Lord!!
God Bless,
Amanda Jones
Mailed my box of toys directly to the church to save you a bit of work.
Dot Oโs last blog post..Back To Reality – Tomorrow
Retweeting @livinglocurto: Make sure to check out this great Plano-based charity toy drive! Any help counts! http://tinyurl.com/5dcraw
RT: @livinglocurto Please help a child get a toy at Christmas time. We need your help this month:-) http://tinyurl.com/5dcraw
What a wonderful idea. I pick up all kinds of new things (to sell on eBay) from thrift stores and garage sales all year long. Many of them cost $1 or less. I will be sure to send something your way. Thank you for taking the time to make a difference in a child’s life!
Make a difference in a child’s life https://www.livinglocurto.com/?p=1060
I want to come help! Benbrook is not too far from Plano! I will put the side bar button up soon. Gotta get kids to school first.
Got my toys wrapped and ready to drop off. I took Jack to the $1 store again this year to have him pick out items for the Operation X-mas Child this year and both kids picked toys for East Plano kids. I saw your name as the contact! Way to go- you are blessed, you’ve heard the word and you are doing!
Count me IN for anything you need help with. Since I am local, I can assist in just about any capacity.
I LOVE to wrap presents! Do you plan to wrap these?
I will advertise this on my blog and Facebook.
The button you created for this is really cute! KV
Ever met a child who never had a toy for Christmas? Wanna help make sure it doesn’t happen this year? https://www.livinglocurto.com/?p=1060
What a wonderful, wonderful ministry, Amy. I will send a toy!
Hi Amy, This is such a sweet thing for you to do. I try to sponsor a child or do an Angel Tree donation every year. I have helped raise Donations for the Purple Balloon Foundation toy drive for the last several years as well. Good for you!!!! I’ll be in Texas this month and I’d love to drop off a toy, and perhaps get a chance to meet you too. Good luck with your mission. I’ll spread the word. =)
Amy — This is great!!
God bless,
What a great idea! There’s no way that even one child in this country should go without food, warm clothes, or Christmas gifts. The problem is that a lot of us don’t see the children who need help. I’m so glad you’re doing this. It’ll bless a lot of people!
It is really, really wonderful that you are helping with this Amy. Each year, through the prison ministry I am a part of, our family sponsors one child through the Angel Tree and it has been a huge blessing to be a part of that. I’m going to try to get involved in your ministry as well though.
Blessings to you for being involved in such a thoughtful endeavor,
Angie in OH