This week at I Heart Faces, we have the week off from going through photo challenge entries. This is our fun week of telling stories with photos and getting to know each other better. YAY! The theme is “My Summer in Review”. I didn’t realize just how busy my summer was until I looked back on it all. Next year, I hope to take it a little easier! What was your summer like?

Here is just a portion of what I did…

I not only designed and launched a new web site for I Heart Faces, but my partner Angie and I planned a Photo Walk Across America in 20 cities! Many cities sold out in the first few weeks. We had 50 people attend the walk in Dallas. I met a lot of great new friends who I even run into now from time to time. What a blast!

Planned and pulled off my son’s Lego Birthday Party.

I added newborn photography services to my  business.

Made lots of yummy treats!

Attended my daughter’s first dance recital.

Visited my small home town in Oklahoma.

Got to hang out with a famous dog and a famous blogger.

Went on a 7 day cruise aboard the Carnival Conquest.

Celebrated my daughter’s 4th birthday.

Was surprised with a real life tree house!

Enter your story in photos all week long.

Hope you enjoyed the long weekend. I’m excited to feature some great freebies this week, so be sure to come back soon. -Amy

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  1. Love the pics at Ree Drummond’s ranch – you must have met my friend from high school Matteo-he’s just as cute as Marlboro Man!

  2. Hi, AMy, your pics are just WOW! I can’t wait to get better with my camera, having fun with it, but still so much to learn. Those of you who are Pros make me want to get better.

    I joined your party today, fun Summer review! Ya’ll really have built a nice blog, it’s grown so much.

  3. Amy,

    I learned about you from PW when she featured you on Tasty Kitchen a few weeks back. I’m so excited to enter my photos on IHF and get them critiqued!! I’m a brand new photographer and I ingest any and all info I can get my hands on when it comes to taking good pictures. Photographers like you really inspire me!! Thank you for everything you do!

  4. A fabulous summer for a fabulous lady…and where do I need to go hang out so I can “run” into you??? Really, I have loved getting to know you through your blog, truly inspiring!!

  5. @Pam D,

    I AM tired Pam! LOL! Plus I did an entire Halloween guide for Disney’s… how could I forget about that? I guess because it’s not on the internet yet. I can only remember if there are photos online anymore.

    Believe me, it’s my pleasure knowing you!! You’ve been such a great cheerleader and that means more than you’ll ever know:-)

  6. Wow! I followed along as you did all of those things (and yes, you were featured on that famous blogger’s blog AND Tasty Kitchen… ), but to see it all in one place makes ME tired. How do you do it? And so well… that’s the kicker. It’s a pleasure “knowing” you via IHF and blogland… I just know that things are going to get better and better for you!

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