I’ve been so busy with Halloween and husbands, that I forgot to blog about my trip home to Oklahoma. All you fans of the Pioneer Woman might be interested in seeing my/her hometown. She’ll show you the prairie and I’ll show you the town… well, what there is of it! ha.

So while I’m working on that awesome post… I know you just can’t wait for it! Go visit everyone’s links about their husbands… it was so much fun to meet everyone’s other half! If you didn’t know about Meet Your Husband Day, please add your link anytime.


Here are a few photos I took at a local pumpkin patch. Just what you expected, I’m sure!

I have no idea who this guy is… funny shirt though, huh? I wonder what happens if you call the number?

I just love this little face.

Ewwww…. I just noticed how long and dirty her fingernails are! ha.

Okay, go have a great Friday!!

Please pick up a toy and send it to my church this weekend. Get the details on our kids in need HERE!

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  1. well let me see if you called the number well one you may get some drunk guy on the phone or maybe his wife? or maybe a cinter that could help with some one who drinks to much lol who knows

  2. Love that shirt!! Hysterical. Love even more the photo of your little girl. Hope your Friday was good and hope you have have a great weekend, Amy.

    So funny that you called that number – you’re braver than I!

  3. Of course I know Potosi! I haven’t been through there in ages, though. I grew up in Marceline. Have you heard of it? Its a tiny town, too, although we claim a distinct relationship with Walt Disney as he lived here for a few years as a child.

  4. Okay, I solved the mystery and called the number! It’s a bar called Laseter’s Tavern in Atlanta. Don’t ya just love the south?? The girl who answered the phone got a good laugh from my call!!

  5. Amy ~ call the number! I want to know what it is, but I’m too chicken to call. 🙂 Do it for the sake of your readers…

    Your little gal is melting my heart with those big eyes.


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