Free printable Quarantine Elf coloring pages and face masks for your Elf on the Shelf. This funny elf returns with toilet paper gifts during quarantine. Kids will love this!

Santa’s workshop is temporarily closed for deep cleaning and the Living Locurto funny Elf on the Shelf has come back to visit kids with gifts of coloring pages, toilet paper and elf masks.

Elf Free Printable Coloring Page and Face Mask

Quarantine Elf Coloring Pages & Face Masks

No it’s not Christmas yet, but with all that is going on in the world and so many children having to stay home our silly Elf on the Shelf, Peter, came back for a quick visit.

Not only did he come wearing his elf sized face mask, but brought funny gifts of toilet paper and cute new coloring pages. He has brought Elf coloring pages in the past, but this was a BIG surprise and made us giggle!!!

We’re calling Peter the Quarantine Elf!

Why is the elf back?

I know you might be confused? Shouldn’t our elf be quarantining and practicing social distancing like us? After doing some research, I’ve learned that they can not catch our human viruses, only the Reindeer Flu. This is great news!

Most of Peter’s fun ideas can be seen in my Elf Ideas category here at Living Locurto. He’s pretty silly!

Quarantine Elf Printables Free Coloring Pages and Face Masks


What Does the Quarantine Elf Note Say?

Peter left a note saying he could only stay for a few days while the cleaning elves scrub down Santa’s workshop for a deep cleaning. He reassured us that they are all doing very well at the North Pole and wearing their face masks and washing hands so they don’t get any elf viruses.

Best news of all, Santa’s toy production is still on schedule for December!

I’m glad to hear the elves are staying safe and cleaning Santa’s workshop properly. It great to see them wearing their elf masks too.

Peter wants us to color his coloring page so he can hang it on the bulletin board in Santa’s workshop when he goes back to work. How cool is that?

Quarantine Elf - Free Printable Coloring Page and Face Mask

Will My Elf Visit Me During a Quarantine?

I sure hope you get a visit from your elf! They only have a few days off of work, but Peter said he would share his funny quarantine elf coloring pages and tiny elf face masks with us.

How Can I get an Elf Face Mask for My Elf on the Shelf?

Great news, these cute elf masks are totally free! Thanks to our sweet Elf for bringing them down from the North Pole. Click the button below for the free printables. You’ll find several versions of the elf mask with your coloring sheet. There is a plain surgical face mask along with a few cute Christmas patterns that fit your Elf on the Shelf.

Elf printable face masks - Living Locurto

Download the Free Printable Elf Coloring Pages & Elf Face Masks

I’m always thankful when Peter shares his fun Elf Printables with us! Be sure to click here or the on the button below to get this fun new Free Printable Quarantine Elf idea for your elf too.

Sign up to get a 1 Month free membership to the Living Locurto Free Printable Library and enjoy these funny printables and more!Click for Free Printables by Living Locurto

–> Share photos of your Elf on Instagram with the hashtag #LLBlogElf for a chance to get featured on Living Locurto. We would love to see!

You might also like these Stuck at Home Elf Letter Board Signs.

Stuck at Home Elf Signs Living Locurto Printables


Love these ideas? Find more favorite elf printables in The North Pole Elf Shop!

The North Pole Elf Shop - Printables for your Christmas Elf by Living Locurto



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