A fun printable Elf Doctor’s Note that says “No moving for 3 days”… it’s the doctor’s order. Enjoy our elf’s printable Elf Doctor Note and Reindeer Flu pills. A clever idea for your Christmas Elf when you need a break from it all, or have to travel out of town.

Elf Doctor's Note! No moving for 3 days... it's the doctor's order. Comes with Reindeer Flu Pill Labels. Clever idea for your Elf who sits on a shelf when you need a break from it all.

Printable Elf Doctor’s Note – No Moving for 3 Days!

Is your Elf taking good care of himself? If not, he might need an Elf Doctor’s Note!

You need to know that there is an outbreak of Reindeer Flu right now in the North Pole. The only cure for it is REST!

We love all of the fun things our Elf on the Shelf does, but now poor Peter is wrapped up in some tissue paper and has an Elf Doctor’s Note. The note says no moving for 3 FULL days… it’s the doctor’s order. I also came with Reindeer Flu Pills. These taste just like Tic Tacs, so not that bad to take!

I have to admit this is a very clever idea when you need a break from it all or going out of town. I’m sad that some elves are getting sick, but I think Dr. Frost from the North Pole is GREAT to help us out a little! Elves and parents need some rest every now and then.

The Original Elf Doctor’s Note from the North Pole

If you want the real note from the North Pole doctor, then we’ve got it right here for you. It comes with our Elf’s original doctor’s note and label for the Reindeer Flu Pills.

Elf Doctor's Note! No moving for 3 days... it's the doctor's order. Comes with Reindeer Flu Pill Labels. Clever idea for your Elf on the Shelf when you need a break from it all.

You’ll Love These Fun Elf Ideas

If you haven’t seen the funny things our Elf has done in the past, be sure to check out my Elf Ideas section for all kinds of elf ideas, printables and cute surprises! Many our my printables are totally free for you to enjoy.

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GET FEATURED! If you use this printable design, we’d love for you to share your elf photos on our Facebook page. Use the hashtag #LLBlogElf on Instagram to share what your elf has been up to this season.

Get the Printable Elf Doctor’s Note and Reindeer Flu Pill Labels

Click Here to Print the Elf Doctors Note by Amy Locurto LivingLocurto.com

–> CLICK HERE <— to get the Elf Doctor’s Note

(Questions about how printables work? Read our FAQ page)

Find more favorite elf printables in The North Pole Elf Shop!

The North Pole Elf Shop - Printables for your Christmas Elf by Living Locurto

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Originally Published  December 2, 2015 

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