Yesterday I took the kids to the zoo. We had fun petting elephants…

Right after this photo, the elephant turned his butt towards us and did a gigantic pee and poo. It was his gift to us, he looked so proud and of course it was the most talked about event of the zoo when we got home! lol!

Nine years ago on this exact bench, my husband proposed. A few moments later that same elephant took a gigantic poo. Do you think he remembered me?

My husband is a big Rocky (the movie) fan. Didn’t you know that Rocky asked Adrian to marry him next to the elephants at the zoo? Diamonds and elephant poo… can’t get any more romantic than that?

It’s hard to believe that much time has passed and we now have these two lovely children to sit on the bench with us. It is kind of cool that each time I pass the bench, I am reminded of the moment my husband put his heart out there for me. Oh, and had my ring duct taped to his ankle! Don’t ask me why? I guess he thought I would never think to look there. ha!

It’s been a long time since I’ve been to the zoo with a 2 year old. One minute they are having a conversation with a snake, the next they have wandered into a field of flowers.

It was a very busy day. I think we’ll take it easy and stay home today so mommy can rest! If you’re home on spring break, I hope you are having some fun at the local sites. Our zoo was super crowded, but it was still worth the trip to have some fun memories with the kids while they’re so little. That bench hasn’t changed at all in 9 years, but man has my life!

Happy Thursday,


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  1. What a fun trip that turned into! I love all the memories you have surrounding that bench at the zoo. (I am laughing hysterically about the duct taped ring on his ankle. That’s priceless!!)

    Duct tape comes in handy for EVERYTHING. ๐Ÿ™‚

    theArthurClanโ€™s last blog post..A "Heartwarming" Story

  2. What beautiful pictures Amy!! Makes me want to visit our zoo again – but with all the highway construction out there I don’t think so – we did go for Fathers Day last year.

    If you come to visit sometime we should go to Grants Farm!!


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  3. Looks like so much fun! I was following your waiting in line drama on facebook yesterday but it appears it was worth it.

    Love these photos, they’re fantastic. Makes me want to make the hour and a half drive to the zoo here!

    Emily@remodelingthislifeโ€™s last blog post..Good Enough

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