I’m contributing over at I ? Faces again today.

I turned this photo…

Into this…

Head over there to read about how I did it and to see all the other great contributor’s photos.

FYI, this is my future son-in-law! It’s Angie, my partner at I Heart Faces’s little boy. Isn’t he a doll??

Share the fun!

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  1. Carrie sure is having a hard time with this arranged marriage thing. ๐Ÿ™‚

    You are such an awesome future mother-in-law Amy. Weston couldn’t have found a better mother-in-law if he had tried! (I am certain he will thank me later.) I heart your fix sooooo much. You need to send me the large file so that I can print it. You are amazing with your photoshoppin’!

    theArthurClanโ€™s last blog post..A "Heartwarming" Story

  2. Oh wow, that looks great! Wish I knew how to do all that cool stuff to my pics. Headed on over there now to see what you did:)

    Melissa Lewis – Off The Wallโ€™s last blog post..Candice Olsonโ€™s Beautifully Textured Wallpaper

  3. Love it- I will be heading over – I can always use a little help when it comes to my photos-
    P.s. that’s so cool that you already know your future son-in law- ;} cute too.

    teresaโ€™s last blog post..Celebrate Spring-

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