It’s time for Part 2 of my son’s science party!!
Part 1 was all about the decor. (Click here if you missed any of it.) Today is all about the fun!!
To start off, I like to have something to keep kids occupied until everyone shows up. I was lucky enough to have really warm weather on the day of the party, so the boys were able to go outside to burn some energy.
Experiment #1 – Make a tornado in a bottle.
A few soda bottle tornados were on the table for kids who were done playing outside and wanted to experiment. These are simple to make with water, food coloring and a handy kit from Steve Spangler Science.
Experiment #2 – Make Snow
This was super easy! Just add water and the powder instantly erupts into amazing artificial snow that looks and feels like the real thing.
I had the powder measured ahead of time in small containers. Then I passed around little dixie cups with the correct amount of water. I told them it was experimental science acid to make sure they didn’t spill it! ha. Then we counted to 3 while they poured their acid on the magic powder and walla! Cold, fluffy snow! If you can, make sure to do this one outside, just in case someone wants to have a snowball fight! You can get a container for less than $10 here.
Experiment #3 – Make Green Atomic Slime
You can make this from scratch, but I decided to use the class room shaker kits from Steve Spangler. It comes with everything you need for 24 kids, plus 2 small black lights to see it glow!
After pouring the solutions together and making sure the lids were tight, the boys shook their cups for one minute. Then they had ultra sticky, gooey slime!! Everyone had to go in the bathroom with no windows to watch the black light make it glow!
This was a very exciting experiment! You have to watch the video to get the full effect. ha!
Making Slime! from Amy @ Living Locurto on Vimeo.
Experiment #4 – Make your own Cupcakes
What kid wouldn’t like this experiment?
Experiment #5 – Diet Coke & Mentos Experiment
Exploding Diet Coke was by far the hit of the party!! You’ll need a roll or box of Mentos and a 2-liter bottle of diet soda. Just drop the mentos in the Diet Coke, run and watch it erupt! My son is hooked on this video by 2 mad science guys at I got their kit which included goggles and several launchers. They also have a free download on how to make your own launchers if you’d rather do it yourself.
We did a bunch at once the first time on the ground, but about half of the bottles fell over. Putting them on a bench worked really good.
The kids got a little crazy with the left over Coke. It basically became a Diet Coke fight and everyone was covered in the stuff! They were even licking their arms. Talk about hyper!!!!
I gave each kid their own small Diet Coke bottle and let them drop Mentos in themselves. It was a blast!!
Here is our first attempt. Please ignore the geeky laughing!!! I’m so embarrassed, but it was hilarious watching the moms who came all dressed up right after church get blasted with Diet Coke!!! ha! (I made them do the launches so I could video… when really I just didn’t want to get messy!)

Goodie bags were packed with a Steven Spangler test tube full of M&M’s with my son’s face, their snow, slime, a roll of Mentos to try their experiment at home and several other fun trinkets. Download the Open With Caution stickers on the Part 1 post.
Even the little sisters had a blast! They say thanks for coming to the party!!!
Don’t miss Science Party – Part 1 Decorations
Hi! Love the invitations. Is it possible to send them in a word format, so I can fill in my son’s info? Thanks!!
Excellent….I loved all the ideas…thanks for posting……
Hi, what ingredients did you need to make the snow experiment? Looks fun!
Thanks so much for posting! I’m going to do a science party for my 5 yr old- lover of all things spooky & scientific! You rock!
Thanks for these great ideas! I’m hosting a mad science party for my son’s 6th B Day and I’d never heard of Steve Spangler so I will check out his ideas. I’d also like to add, for those interested, that although I could not find cheap lab coats for kids (or at least not cheap enough for me) there are very inexpensive colored aprons available from Oriental Trading and I had the idea to write funny mad scientist names on them for the kids. Goggles are online for about $3 a pair or so. We are doing the mentos geyser as well as cracking some geodes open at the party and doing the “crush the can without touching it” air pressure experiment. I need a couple more ideas though :). Thanks for sharing!
I bought some really cheap white “lab coats” for them all to wear. They did the job. I also put on the invites to make sure the kids wore their PLAY CLOTHES just in case. I had a few designs on the cake;beakers, bubbles, etc. We did the gyser coke experiment and the marshmallow (air sucked out of them in tubes) experiment. Both are Steve Spanglers,
Thank you very much for all of your great ideas. I am going to do a Science part for my 8 year old daughter. I was directed towards Steve Spangler and I just love all of his stuff. I am from Canada and I was wondering how many experiments do you think is enough. It looks like your guy is or was a little bit younger than my daughter. And, I do not plan to get them to do anything with the cake. I thought that I would bake a rectangular cake for the bottom and then bake another in a pyrex measuring cup, then have the icing kind of flowing up and out the top into the rectangular or maybe even square bottom to look like a table, then put some gummy worms and such on it. I want to do the snow, the Instaworms and the Mento’s Gysers for sure but, do I need any more experiments than that for 10, 8 year olds? The next question that I had was did you get the kids to wear anything special to keep them clean?
I love your ideas and am using your invites for the party. We have Mad Science coming to my sons 5th birthday party next month. Where did you get the labcoats and goggles so cheap? And what is your suggestion on how to keep siblings from coming. We are at our max for the mad science people and cannot accomadate siblings.
I love your party ideas! I thought my sister and I were the party planners! Well… you are awesome. Thanks for sharing your ideas with us.
I thnk yor son has a very fun and entertaining mother ๐ My kids would have killed for a party like this. Your pics are great- makes me wish I could have been there (with a raincoat on). Thanks for sharing!
I am so thrilled to have found your website and brilliant ideas.
My soon to be 7 year old wants a science party and I was just searching online for ideas when I came upon your site.
I love the cupcake bar but did you serve additional food as well…related to science???
Thanks so much!
You are a brilliant, brilliant, brilliant woman!!! Thank you for sharing these great ideas!!!!
OMG… my Nephews would just LOVE all that stuff, thanks for the brilliant ideas!
Amy, Thank you so much for sharing! We will be using some of your ideas!
Best regards.
This was absolutely fantastic! Nice work !!
Mom of the YEAR!!!!
OMGoodness – you totally get good-mom points for this party. What a blast (literally & figuratively!)
Susanโs last blog post..Backing up…
How FUN!! Your son’s friends will always remember this party.
Great party… very creative… super mom! LOVE that scientist cupcake!
Fifi Flowersโs last blog post..Bronte’s Garden…
No WAY!! Amy, your not just the COOLEST mom on the block, your the COOLEST MOM IN THE WORLD!!!
That is freakin AWESOME!!!!! I will have to put these ideas away for Will when he gets older.
Love and Prayers,
Timโs last blog post..Thanksgiving Thursday
What an absolutely genius idea! Love it!!
Ms.Teeโs last blog post..A Family Home Tour
You are genius!! This is the COOLEST party I’ve ever seen … your kids must think you are one awesome mama.
Fabulous party!
Cindyโs last blog post..A Skip to my Lou Makeover
OMG Amy! Those were so cool! The kids looked like they had a blast! Did you serve something in petre dishes?
Donnaโs last blog post..What happened to the Tooth Fairy?
Oh I was so excited to see that you posted part two- man you must be the favorite Mom on the block- {my boys love to explode things, they would of loved a party like that :}
Thanks for the fun
Teresaโs last blog post..Heirlooms
Wow! You are my hero! This looks like so much fun. My son would love this. I’ll have to bookmark it for future reference.
mommyknowsโs last blog post..Just What is News?
You throw the best parties! My son is finally getting to the age to be interested in parties, so I think we’ll be filing this one away for future reference.
Melissa J. Leeโs last blog post..You’re Invited (a Giveaway!)
I literally have tears rolling down my face that you made the other moms do the Diet Coke experiment because “you had to man the video camera.” You tricky girl! So funny!! ๐
theArthurClanโs last blog post..Strangest Evening…Ever!
You = Cool Mom.
-Nat ๐
Love your party ideas. I’ve been wanting to try the diet coke + mentos…have to wait until it’s warmer outside. Can’t wait to show my almost 8 y.o. the videos. Thanks.
jen@ourdailybigtopโs last blog post..Friday Mix
Love it! You rock. Boys love the chance to be boys like that. When they get a bit older, they still love it (but my son actually got invited to a Captain Underpants party at age 10 and they chewed huge packs of gum and just talked about burping and other forms of gas the whole time. Tacky and yet…hilarious). I so wish I had taken good pictures of my spy party. sniff sniff. must write down.
minโs last blog post..Snow Fun!
I want to be younger again just so I can have a party like this. You are just full of great ideas!
Hi Brenda,
They only needed one or two for the small ones. I just fizzes over, not really a geyser. So they each did it about 3 times. Those launchers for the 2 liter bottles are great because you can attach a string and be further away to launch the Mentos.
Have fun!!
Hi Amy- I had planned on doing the large diet coke / mentos geyser, but I love your idea of giving the kids each their own smaller bottle of diet coke. About how many mentos did the kids need in the smaller bottles to make a good geyser?
Thanks, Brenda
Brendaโs last blog post..Blog Award
LOVE it! Stev Spangler is such a great resource for science parties.
Thanks so much for sharing your fantastic pictures and video!
Brendaโs last blog post..Blog Award