Have you seen the week 2 winners of I ? Faces?

This photo by Art from the Heart was one of the top 10 kid photos!! WOW!

My goal is to get a shot of my daughter like this. We have the cuteness and the curls. The two things we lack is a model that will sit still and mom that has the ability to take a picture like this! ha. This is why I love our new web site about face photography. I love getting inspired to take my skills to another level.

Valentine Craft Inspiration


This is an adorable free download and tutorial I found from Creature Comforts. Valentine Teabag Wrappers!! I don’t know if I have the patience to actually sew around the tea bag, but I could certainly try some glue:-) At least I can be inspired to sew by hand.

Saturday Shout Outs

I want to thank the fun daddy blogger Tim over at Fort Thompson for giving me these awards. He just left me the best comment I think I’ve ever gotten! ha! Thanks Tim!!

And also thanks Jamee at Setting the Mood for this awesome award! I LUV your blog too!!

Now, go see the week 2 winners right now!! They are amazing!

Have a great weekend!


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  1. Amy, wow, what a nice thing to say! Your kind words just totally made my day! And you DO have the skills…I’ve seen your photography! Thank you for creating I ? Faces so all of us can learn new things from each other!

    Teresaโ€™s last blog post..I ? Faces – I Really, Really Do!

  2. That photo is gorgeous!

    Congrats on the awards and that V-day freebie is cute! But, like you… patience and sewing aren’t a good mix for me!

    Ericaโ€™s last blog post..I’ve got…

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