These are some of the Best Elf on the Shelf Arrival Ideas! Unique printables and cute ideas direct from the North Pole to wow your kids this Christmas season.

Best Elf on the Shelf Arrival Ideas! Printables and cute ideas direct from the North Pole to wow your kids.
Best Elf on the Shelf Arrival Ideas! Printables and cute ideas for kids.

BEST Elf on the Shelf Arrival Ideas

These are the most original and adorable Elf on the Shelf Arrival Ideas for Christmas!

Our Elf on the Shelf, Peter, usually arrives the first week of December and it’s always an exciting time! No matter how old my kids get, they always look forward to his creative ideas and gifts.

Most of Peter’s fun ideas can be seen in my Elf Ideas category here at Living Locurto. He’s pretty silly!

Whether your elf has already arrived or not, here are 7 Adorable Elf on the Shelf Arrival Ideas for any time this Christmas season.

Please share these ideas with your elf, so he or she can get as creative as our Peter. Who knows? They might already be North Pole elf friends!

Enjoy Our Favorite Elf Arrival Ideas

Even though I have months worth of Elf ideas, these are probably my top favorite ones and the most popular from my website and elf shop. I hope you enjoy these fun ideas for your Elf on the Shelf!

Best Elf on the Shelf Arrival Ideas! Cute Printables to help make Christmas easier.

When does the Elf on the Shelf arrive?

Your elf can arrive anytime your family chooses! Santa typically sends them down from the North Pole between Thanksgiving and the first week of December.

He or she will return to the North Pole with Santa on Christmas eve. The letter board idea below has some cute goodbye signs.

–> Learn more about How To Do an Elf on the Shelf for the First Time.

A Month of Elf Ideas

Need even more ideas other than just arrival ideas? I have you covered with over a month of elf ideas!

You’ll find fun posing ideas for moving your elf, cute free printables, elf arrival ideas and many more DIY ideas for your kid’s Christmas elf.

Check out The Elf Playbook with 75 Super Fun Stree-Free Elf Ideas!

Elf Ideas Book

How should your Elf on the Shelf arrive?

There are so many fun ways your elf can welcome your children. I hope you enjoy some of our elf’s favorite arrival ideas. After reading this article with the best elf arrival ideas, be sure to visit these ideas:

–> 15 New Elf on the Shelf Ideas to Try this Season

–> 25 of the BEST Elf On The Shelf Ideas

We sure love this time of year, Merry Christmas!


I hope you enjoyed these Adorable Elf on the Shelf Arrival Ideas!  If you use any of these ideas for your elf, we’d love for you to share your elf photos!

1. Random Acts of Kindness Arrival Letter

Random Acts of Kindness Elf Arrival Letter and gift ideas for your Elf on the Shelf. Encourages kids to give back and be Secret Santa.

This is the one of the newest ideas our elf has told me he will be doing this year on his arrival. I’m so lucky to have gotten a preview before my kids.

Now I just hope if one of their friends see’s this, that they keep quiet and don’t reveal the secret!

I love that our elf encourages my kids to give with this –> Random Act of Kindness Secret Santa idea.

2. Elf Arrival Letter to Encourage Kids to Donate Toys

Elf on the Shelf Printable Arrival Letter. A special note from the North Pole that encourages kids to donate toys. Get at

Here is another great printable letter that asks kids to donate toys to children in need. Our Peter is so creative! My kids love doing this.–> Get this Elf Arrival Letter here.

3. Funny Elf Letter Board Signs

 Elf on the Shelf Arrival Ideas - Printable Elf Letter Board Signs by

NEW to our line up of ideas are these funny Elf Letter Board Signs to help your elf communicate with your kids!

With cute signs for an elf arrival, departure and fun in between, these printable letter board signs give you days of hilarious ideas for your elf. –-> Click Here to see more of the Elf Letter Board Signs

4. Elf Phone Printable and Arrival Letter

Elf Phone Cute Printable Christmas Elf Arrival Idea

This Elf Phone printable and welcome back letter from the North Pole is an adorable Christmas Elf arrival idea!

Surprise kids with Santa’s latest device, the iElf X Phone. –> Get this fun Elf Phone Printable here.

Watch the video below to see our elf in action. ha!

YouTube video

5. Printable DIY Christmas Gift Card Holder

Free Printable Santa Themed Paper Gift Card Holder for DIY Christmas Gifts by Add a note or stickers from Santa or an Elf on the Shelf.

This simple to make free Christmas printable Gift Holder easily holds a gift card, sticks of gum, notes, LEGO Minifigures, stickers and other small flat items.

No tape is needed for this easy craft, just cut, fold and it holds itself together. Since it’s directly from the North Pole, kids will love getting a sweet note or gift from their Elf on the Shelf!

Add a cute ribbon or twine and you have a sweet little gift your elf! –>  Print this Christmas Gift Card Holder here.

6. Elf Kissing Booth

Cute Elf Kissing Booth for your Elf on the Shelf! Printable design by Amy Locurto at

If your elf hasn’t done the Elf Kissing booth yet, it’s a must! Every year, my kids look forward to Peter’s famous kissing booth filled with Hershey kiss candy.–> Get the printable kissing booth here.

7. Magic Seeds from the North Pole

Best idea! Elf on the Shelf Magic Seeds turn into cookies and a Free Printable Letter from Santa.

When our elf brought magic seeds that grew cookies… it was AMAZING!

Shhh! Don’t let your kids know what happens and just enjoy the fact that they will be on their BEST behavior waiting for the seeds to grow!

Get the details about the  –> Elf Magic Seeds and free printable Santa letter here.


Find more favorite elf printables in The North Pole Elf Shop!

The North Pole Elf Shop - Printables for your Christmas Elf by Living Locurto

Get over 25 simple and fun Elf on the Shelf ideas along with more printables!

25 Elf On The Shelf Ideas! Over a month of Fun DIY Ideas for Kids at Christmas.

Share the fun!

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  1. So many fun ideas!!! Elf on the Shelf wasn’t around when my kids were little, but hoping I can use these fun ideas for grandchildren some day.

  2. So many fun things to see! I love that you can encourage kids to donate. I went over and visited the 25 best elf on the shelf ideas, and have to try the marshmallow bed and the kissing booth. This was the most fun part of my day today!

  3. Our Elf On The Shelf always arrives with a letter from Santa telling the kids what a good job they have done so far in the year and giving them instructions to pack a box of things for others that may be less fortunate.

  4. OMG!!! Such great ideas! I’m totally failing at the elf game this year and these are so helpful. I almost ruined it all the other day, too. LOL!

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