Wishing you all safe travels and a wonderful holiday. We’ll miss seeing friends and family who are far away. Know that we’re thinking of you!

Here are some links to keep you up-to-date on what we’ve been up to this year.

10 Family posts from Living Locurto past:

Holiday House Tour

Outerbanks Summer Vacation

First Day of Kindergarten

My Small Town Tour

8th Annual Locurto Halloween Bash

State Fair of Texas

OSU Girlfriend Reunion

Labor Day Weekend Fun

May the Force be with You!

New Boyfriend

Amy’s first ever blog entry on June 21, 2008

Adventures in Bicycling

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Living Locurto

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  1. Merry Christmas to you also-
    What a great idea to post your Christmas card and some links to past events- Great picture also!
    Happy Day!

  2. Your kiddos are just ADORABLE!!

    I too didn’t realized you just started your blog this summer – I started in Aug – must have found you close to the time you started!! now I can’t get enough! LOL

    Have a VERY Merry Christmas!


    Tidymomโ€™s last blog post..Need Gift Tags?

  3. What? You just started in June of this year? I must’ve caught onto you right when you started. Good effort! I enjoy seeing what you’re up to. Your kids are darling too. Merry Christmas!

    minโ€™s last blog post..Bunch of Flakes

  4. Your photo of the kids is absolutely perfect…they look angelic! (Wait…they are angelic, right?!)

    Merry Christmas to you and yours! ๐Ÿ™‚

    The Arthur Clanโ€™s last blog post..A Tale of Mittens, a Hat, a Scarf and BIG Trouble.

  5. Yes Angie, they are so angelic! ha ha.

    I have to tell you… this was one of about 100 photos I took of the kids. I was about to go crazy. This was the only shot where they were both sitting and looking at the camera. Whew. I’m glad I got at least one half way decent one. ha!

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