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  1. This card is soooo cute! Thank you so much. I absolutely love your site. You rock ๐Ÿ™‚

  2. Pingback: friday freebies
  3. Thanks Amy. This is a nice card. I have saved it in case I run out of time to mske one myself.

  4. Pingback: Printable Mothers Day Cards | Hot Web Trends
  5. i love the printable card! i used it for my mothers day card it is so cute

  6. Hope you are all on the mend and feeling much better.

    Have a great day!

    Ruth Ann

  7. thank you!! the cards are wonderful!! We will see my mom and mother n law exchange cards and baked goodies and watch dvds with my kids on mother’s day.

  8. these cards are so cute, and my mom loves yellow! she also loves blue and brown- could you whip up some cards in blue and brown? ๐Ÿ™‚

    my mom’s birthday is may 9, so it’s always right next to mother’s day, but i do my best to not short-change her on the gifts, but i’m in school so that’s hard. this year i’m getting her a 2-peas-in-a-pod pendant from etsy (the peas are me and my brother), and then i’m making some of bakerella’s cake balls, yellow cake covered in chocolate with some blue b’s on them (her name starts with a b). she’s going to love them!

  9. Thanks!

    We usually go out to eat and then pick up a few plants for our moms who love to garden. We usually get some perennials that are unusual.

    natalieโ€™s last blog post..Buzz Buzz

  10. Thanks Amy that is too cute and perfect timing! It looks like we are going to celebrate Mother’s Day this Sunday because my mom has to work on MD . We figured brunch will be cheaper and less crowded that way any way!!!

    I have a card, now I need to get a gift! ……………..

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