I love to have dates with my son. I’ve found having one child at a time is so much more fun than having them all together fighting:-) Funny how they are so well behaved when there is just one right?
For one of his birthday presents, back in January, I took him go-kart riding. Talk about fun!!
I had to laugh because Mr. Cool insisted on wearing his sunglasses. Boys crack me up!
They are funny until they talk you into riding these…
Little did I know the bumper boats had gigantic water guns that squirted about 20 feet!! Remember it was January and that water was like ice! You’d think I would have thought twice about it after seeing this sign.
And of course 7 year old boys have NO MERCY! Especially on their mom! Yes, I was soaked from head to toe and freezing! That little rascal!
Think he felt bad? Naaaaa….
Not at all. Not one bit.
I hope this inspires you to go on a date with one of your kids this weekend. Just remember to stay away from bumper boats especially if you have a pesky little boy:-)
Fun… I use to do a “date night” with my kids when they were at home…miss it. enjoy it while you can…they grow up and move out way too fast…{Oh man, I read that back and it sounded a little depressing, it really is okay, just different not that the kids are gone.}
Loved the post.
.-= teresa´s last blog ..Quick- =-.
Hey, that looks just like a place called Mountasia here in Georgia! Wow, I never thought about how bad it would be to get squirted in the winter, either; it is now officially ONLY a summer spot. I only have one child, so EVERY outing is special. Right now, he and dad are camping with Cub Scouts and I am HOME ALONE. That is special for me! :<) And, um… thanks so much for introducing me to textures (sarcasm intended). In my lovely alone time, that's about all I've done. Check my blog for pics (2nd post down). I am hooked… thanks so much….
.-= Pam D´s last blog ..Pretty as a picture =-.
Ha! That’s what we get for being loving Mamas, but it’s all so worth it, right?
I like his cool shades.
.-= ymK´s last blog ..Where have I been?*Drum-roll* =-.
Well, I guess you learned your lesson! That looks too cold for my comfort.
I love spending one on one time with my kids. They are always SO kind and thoughtful when they are by themselves. It’s nice to talk without interruption and without fighting. We love to eat or get Starbucks- coffee for me, frappucino for them.
Together time at home is good too. I love playing board games when it’s just 2 of us together.
.-= Marsha´s last blog ..Sweet Shot: birthday boy =-.
LOL This is GREAT! RT @livinglocurto: Bumper Boats and a Boy: I love to have dates with my son. http://goo.gl/fb/LB6BS
I love “dates” with my boys! We’ve done trips to the art museum, movies and ice cream, dinner and theater, you name it!
Speaking of, it’s time to set up some dates for this month! So glad you posted this! Looks like you two had a wonderful time!!
.-= Krista´s last blog ..Goodbye. =-.
Adorable pictures. And you know he is going to cherish those memories. I can’t wait until my little guy is old enough to take out on dates with mommy.
.-= Tegan and Tage´s last blog ..Endless shoes and organic laundry soap =-.
@Becca – Our Crazy Boys,
Ha! Yes, I was such a sucker:-)
boys are sooo different than my girlies…although b would def be soaking me!
.-= a thorn among roses´s last blog ..findings =-.
Sucker!!! I fell for the boat once, too! I was drenched!
My husband and I try to switch the kids out every weekend – One weekend I’ll take one boy, and the next weekend I’ll take the other.
That way, they get one on one time with each of us.
We’ll go to lunch, run errands, or stop for ice cream.
Go karts, though? That might be next, because that looks like fun!
Well, I just have Wes at the moment – but he do have “dates” and they are so much fun 🙂 When/if another kid joins our family, I will be sure and have special date nights with both… and my husband too. Hehe.
.-= Amy´s last blog ..Etsy Trail =-.
I’ve got three boys as you know and lately I’ve been trying to spend alone time with each of them. I don’t think we actually done the date thing yet, but this inspires me to do so!
.-= Screwed Up Texan´s last blog ..I’ll be a Deaf Mute by the End of the Weekend =-.
I love date night with my little man. I have posted a few on my blog, but recently we had 5 days in DC, a night out for sushi, and then just hanging around the house eating his favorite meal and watching a movie. Something about just the two of us really relaxes him and brings out all his geat qualities.
.-= Jacki @ The Raven’s Spell´s last blog ..Fix-It Friday #50 =-.
so cute, love the pics!
i love dates with my daughter. and my son is old enough now for them too. you are right, they are much better one on one. until you introduce water guns 🙂
My older boys love dates to Starbucks. They get to order their favorite (too expensive) drink and sit and talk.
.-= LoveFeast Table´s last blog ..Fancy Friday Dishes =-.
LOL LOVE that picture of you Amy!!! what fun!! we love those bumper boats!!!
.-= TidyMom´s last blog ..I’m Lovin’ It – Baby Shower Cookies =-.