School is out! Guess who is home all day for the next two weeks?
Yes, my almost 6 year old kindergartener! He’s crazy and loud. A typical boy who has a ton of energy. Believe it or not, I am really looking forward to taking some time off work to hang out with this wild little thing. Let me tell you a few reasons why.
1. He’s pretty much a hoot to be around. Last week, I heard him yelling at the TV when a cartoon character on Noggin was singing a song about the earth making the flowers. “Mom! They’re lying! The earth doesn’t make the flowers, God does!”
2. He just lost one of his top front teeth and looks so cute with 3 missing teeth. I can’t believe his top teeth are already coming out!
3. He is really excited to help me decorate our gingerbread house, which I’m obsessed with now. I can’t wait to show you photos!
4. He’s the perfect age for Christmas. It will be magical to him. He understands the story of Jesus, plus he still thinks Santa can fit down the chimney.
5. He’s old enough to keep his little sister entertained. Even though there is usually a lot of screaming involved.
I may go a little crazy while he’s home too, but when I do, I’ll try to remember what a sweet little boy I am blessed with to mold and shape into a wonderful young man.
We passed out some of the toys from our toy drive this weekend. My awesome friend Kimberly and her family came too. People were lined up, many with up to 7 children, to pick up toys.
Our boys were very happy to help. It made my heart melt watching them get excited to give away toys.
None of them asked if they could have one either. Shocking!
The best was when they handed the bag of gifts over to the mother who would then give these to her own children. Seeing the parent’s happy faces made us all so proud!
Even the little ones helped out.
We passed out over 200 presents to 67 families that day. Willow Creek Fellowship will do this again 2 more times before Christmas.
Not only was Willow Creek passing out toys, but also giving free music lessons to community children. As we were leaving a few members were going to deliver 200 gift bags to nursing home residents. This was all done in just a few hours, the people of this church never rest. I was totally in awe and motivated to do more for others. As we handed out toys, I thought about how little of my time this took and how many people were affected by this. After being apart of this giving day, I really hope I don’t go back into the hustle and bustle of doing things just for me. I want to make time to help my community. I’m not sure what I will do next. Whatever it is, I hope it will benefit others in some meaningful way.
Right now I’m going to focus on my little boy and hope that he grows up with a giving and serving heart.
We did make it just in time for his basket ball game that afternoon where he scored the team’s first basket of the season!! (he’s on the far right with his hands in the air.)
We ran around like crazy that day. I crashed and burned by 8pm, but in the end, it was all worth it. There were over 200 children that were given a bit of joy and that makes me smile:-)
Hi Amy…I just showed Sylvia your website and she says to add her to your list at She enjoys creative people like you.
“Mom! They’re lying!…”
That is TOO funny!!
It’s so wonderful to see you AND your little boy in action while serving others. It really was a great thing that you did for your community!
My three youngest are the same as your kiddos…they all know the true meaning of Christmas but still completely believe in the magic of Santa. I love it! My oldest no longer believes so he has now become my Christmas helper and I am so proud of him for keeping the magic alive for the little ones.
(Although…I did overhear Weston tell his cousin the other day that they needed to wait for God to die because that’s when the Easter bunny will finally come. Yikes! A little bit of 4-year-old theology there!)
The Arthur Clanโs last blog post..My Giving Parents.
I got goosebumps reading how the Toy Drive turned out. Wrapping gifts was a lot of fun but I wish I could have done more. Maybe next year.
Enjoy the next 2 weeks with your kiddos! My niece & nephew will arrive at my parents house in a few days and I can’t wait to once again experience Christmas through their eyes.
Love the picture! Your kids must be very close in age to mine! Let me just say already it’s been a long two weeks and it’s only been 3 days!
Jen R@Sanctuaryartsโs last blog post..Another ha!ha! Starbuck’s moment
What a wonderful weekend you had! Love seeing the kids helping out!
And I love the “mean face” picture of your little boy. My kids do a similar face around here. It’s priceless!
My little girls (7 and 5) both still believe in Santa, but like you, understand the true meaning of Christmas. You are right… it is such a fun age!
Ericaโs last blog post..25 Days of Christmas – Day 5
Great pictures Amy – every single one of them. It is also great to see the kids starting out so young with such a giving heart! He’ll remember this when he gets older.
Love the basketball photo. Did you take a picture when he scored??
Have fun hanging with your little ones this week. Can’t wait to see the gingerbread house!
Dot Oโs last blog post..A Photography Club Of One/A Glimpse of Nature Part I