We got the Toys R Us toy book!!! My son got to work on his wish list yesterday. I didn’t realize what a Star Wars and video game freak he really is. Is that every 5 year old? Or just mine? Well, if you need a good 45 minutes to an hour to yourself, just sit your kid down with a toy catalog, scissors, glue stick and my wish lists! I’ve never seen this kid so happy or so focused as I did yesterday. ha! We made wish lists for all Grandmas, Santa and just because. Today he will finish writing the names of each toy…. yeah… I like to add a little work in on the fun:-)

It’s pretty crazy how our kids think they will get anything and have no worries. I try to explain how some children in the world don’t even have clean water to drink. I think the best thing I’ve done this year, which has actually sunk into my boy’s little brain, was to do the Operation Christmas Child boxes. He watched the video about people delivering the boxes to the children. It really helps for kids to see it on the screen, the homes where the children live and how many are children lined up to get these boxes, which may be the only gift they have ever received. My son helped me put together four boxes and not once did he ask if he could have something in the boxes (a first!) because he was so excited to be helping another child.

My MOPS group put together a bunch of boxes yesterday and the kids were happy to help stack them up nice and neat.

I hope my children will grow up to be givers. The best we can do as parents is to give ourselves and hopefully they will learn by our example. If you have never participated in Operation Christmas Child, please go to this web site to learn more.

FYIHere is a link to a Toys R Us 15% OFF Coupon!! Valid until Nov. 20th.

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  1. My son who is 8 is a video game, star wars, action hero kind of kid. He was doing the same thing yesterday with his toys r us catalog, cutting out all of the games, gluing them on a paper and making his wish list. That is exactly why I posted my THE MEANING of the season post! We did think alike! Clearly we are in the same boat! 🙂

    Great post..and thanks for sharing!


    melissa @ the inspired room’s last blog post..The Meaning of the Season

  2. My boys are total Star Wars fans as well. My coffee table is covered in Star Wars Legos armies and droids and starfighters!

    We’re going to be sending gifts to kids who don’t have the same opportunity for Christmas that we do. The most important message of this season, besides giving, is hope. This season fills everyone with hope. Hope of magic and love. That’s my story and I’m stickin’ to it.

  3. You, my friend, are brilliant! My almost 5-year-old has been devouring the toy catalogues. He’s going to love cutting them up and glueing them on your lists!

    BTW – I finally got around to making some changes to my faves list and I put you on there.

    Love your new look too. Very festive!

    Kimba’s last blog post..Grand Finale Giveaway!!!

  4. My kids love going through the toy catalogs, too! Lily circles things for me and draws stars next to the ones she really, really wants. Jake is old enough to have his own Wish List on Amazon now, which makes things easy for his grandparents.

    Your new header is fun! Love how you’ve made your daughter your blog’s “mascot.” Looks so cute in that Santa hat. 🙂

    Julia @ Hooked on Houses’s last blog post..Memories of an Old House in Columbia Tusculum

  5. I just love seeing little faces light up over the prospect of all those new toys. My son has Christmas and his birthday within the same week so imagine HIS list. LOL. All Star-Wars, Legos, and Pokemon.

    Suzann’s last blog post..The Big Reveal (Phase 1)

  6. My 7 year old niece skipped right over the Toys’R’Us flier and circled a bunch of things in the Peir1 flyer instead, lol.

    My daughter never really has much she wants…one or two things and usually musically oriented. I’ve been very blessed with her.

    I love the idea of the children participating in helping others and understanding not all children have what they have. Traveling over seas has helped my daughter and niece understand this first hand.

  7. I have participated in sponsoring 1-2 children each year for our church’s Angel Tree and this has been a huge help in explaining to our kids about how little other children in the world have. There are times when I wish we could do so much more though.

    My daughter has already filled out a four page wish list that I downloaded from your site and the boys are getting ready to do the same. 🙂 Our Toys ‘R Us catalog has already been devoured and destroyed!

    P.S. I’m adding my link for my “most hated things” that my husband refuses to get rid of.

    The Arthur Clan’s last blog post..Miscellaneous Nonsense.

  8. Ooooh, I’d love for Hunter to see the OCC video, too! Hunter loved your Christmas lists and got busy with his, too. We used Toys-R-Us, Walmart, and Target!! His was all Hotwheels and NASCAR!

    Lori’s last blog post..Yet, Again!

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