OMG!!! I just found out I’ve been picked as one of Martha Stewart’s 10 bloggers!!!

I’m freaking out! I have been dying to tell everyone, but they told me to keep it under wraps until it was official. Well now it is!!!

The other 9 bloggers and I will be featured on her show June 9th!!!

This is the greatest part….

I get to choose 10 people to come with me! YOU could go and maybe get the chance to work with Martha too. They want us to fill the studio audience with bloggers and readers of blogs. The best part is it’s an ALL EXPENSE PAID TRIP TO NYC. And each person gets $500 cash! Yowza!!! Can you believe this??

I have a long post written all about. There is NO WAY I can choose just 10 of you, so I’m doing a fun contest. You don’t have to have a blog to enter. To find out details and how you can win…

Click Here & Win a Trip to NYC & $500 Cash

STOP!! Before you leave a comment…. or click off this page…. You need to click on that link:-)

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  1. You got me, it was totally believable! Nice one. It’s been so much fun to be on the internet today.

    Rachel’s last blog post..Happy April Fools’!

  2. You had me for a brief sec and the right before clicking on the link I saw the April Fools text below the comment area and started thinking that this cojuld be a hoax. Nice try though. I was ready to sign up for the giveaway!

    Love and Prayers Amy,


    Tim’s last blog post..Stellan’s TV Interview

  3. HA HA HA HA! What a great joke! BUT….kidding aside…I think your blog is fantastic and why shouldn’t Martha pick yours?

  4. HAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!! You got ’em good Amy! This is so funny!

    theArthurClan’s last blog post..A Super-Fun Fix!

  5. Holy Cow- I’m totally excited for you! But I didn’t need Martha to tell me…..I’ve always thought your blog was fabulous!
    Happy Day! can’t wait to hear the whole story.

    teresa’s last blog post..Purple Tuesday-

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