Kids say funny things, especially kindergarten kids!

We recently visited my son’s open house. I absolutely love looking at artwork by kids. They crack me up and have so much imagination.

It’s always inspiring to see kid art displayed together like these self portraits. Besides playing with their brothers or sisters, most of them say their favorite thing is to play Wii or eat at McDonalds.

Kindergarten Art | Funny Things Kids Say!

Here are their drawings of mom and dad. We got to read what they wrote about us and try to guess which one was our kid’s drawing.

Kindergarten Art and Funny Things Kids Say!

This is what our son did… LOL!

Kindergarten Art and Funny Things Kids Say!

Okay, really… my hair looks NOTHING like that! It’s so much longer:-) I got a big laugh at what he wrote about us!

Here are a few more good ones…

Kindergarten Art and Funny Things Kids Say!

Kindergarten Art and Funny Things Kids Say!

Well, at least I don’t panic a lot:-)

Have a great day,


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  1. Hi, I found your blog via blogher and this post was too funny to pass up. When my younger sister was in kindergarten they had to write books about one of their parents and things they did or liked. She wrote it on my mom and basically the whole book was fiction. But one page especially caught our eye and we reference it even now that she’s 14 and going into high school. It had a steak, a hot dog and a chicken on it and it read “My mom likes meat. Nice, juicy meat.” We cracked up. We still talk about “nice, juicy meat” during dinners.

  2. Ha! Very funny. My daughter’s in kindergarten too. Last year in Preschool, she wrote “my dad makes people money and my mom takes lots of naps.”

    Wha?! Gotta laugh I guess

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  3. Kay, I remember doing something like this when I was in kindergarten. When drawing my mom, I said “My mom wears a lot of makeup.” My mom wasn’t too happy with that, but of course, I was clueless. What did I do wrong, I thought. It’s the truth.

  4. Aren’t kids just the best?! We couldn’t make up stuff like that if we tried!

    Lay in bed, watch AI and eat popsicles huh? That’s how I’m going to be picturing you every time we talk from now on! ๐Ÿ˜‰

  5. That is too cute. Do you eat a lot of popsicles? I love how kids see their parents – the one about shaking hair and juggling apples…classic!

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  6. Lol- big time. I’m cracking up about what your son said about you. We watch American Idol too….although without the popsicles, I may need to try that for fun =}

    teresaโ€™s last blog post..Favorite

  7. Oh those are really funny!!

    One of my dd’s wrote one time (and yes I saved it) – they had to write what they’d do with a million dollars – my dd wrote “I’d buy a bigger house so my mom and dad wouldn’t have to share a room!” LOL

    Ahhh, kids!


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  8. Truly hilarious! My daughter is also in kindergarten and I just love the artwork she brings home. The stuff they come up with! Cracks me up!

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