This week’s theme is Reflection

Oh my word! I can’t believe I actually got a reflection photo. This was one of the hardest themes yet for me. I really wanted to get something good too because one of my favorite photographers, Nate Kaiser from The Image is Found, is our guest judge!! Well, this is not a wonderfully fun and creative piece of work… but it will have to do.

Too bad I wasn’t further back to get her face reflected in the water! I was actually across the stream from my daughter who I could just imagine falling head first into the water anytime.

So even though I didn’t actually get her face in the reflection… you gotta give me credit for even getting this shot all:-) LOL! I had about one second as she looked up while putting her finger in the water, then one more second for me to bolt across the bridge to pull her back from the edge. Whew!!

*** I’m a co-founder of I ? Faces and only entering for fun. **

Good luck to all who enter!!!

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  1. I was going to make the “scoot back a few feet” suggestion, but after hearing you are ACROSS the stream from her, oh, run with with you got! I admire your strength of character to get the picture then bolt back to her side. ๐Ÿ™‚ My daughter would have been in the water five minutes ago.

  2. What a great picture. I need to get on this bandwagon. I just keep forgetting!

    I know you have a mac and I wanted to ask a question. I notice that often times I cannot get my fonts to go off of “bold”. I was using Safari and figured out that it happened if I inserted my pictures first and then typed, so I just typed my post and then added the pictures, though sometimes my first paragraph was still bold. I’m using Firefox now, and it doesn’t seem to really matter what I do, everything is bold. I’ve looked at the html codes and nothing says “bold” and I know nothing about HTML…any thoughts? it’s rather annoying and personally to me, not as pleasant to read.


  3. You are a go getter for sure. I am sure I would have had a shaky/fuzzy photo from being overly nervous about my kiddo falling in the water. Gorgeous photo!!

  4. I think it is a great photo! She is so beautiful and she looks like she is having so much fun playing in the water!

  5. I will give you the credit! I totally understand how difficult it is to “pose” and yet “not to pose”. This is a beautiful shot, and she is so beautiful. Great job!

  6. Great shot Amy – funny I was worried about her falling in while I was reading your post, then when I got to the part about you bolting across the bridge, I had to laugh—

    She’s such a cutie


  7. She is so precious. I had the hardest time with this picture too. We were driving around last night looking for water. 2 creeks I found were empty. We had to come home and do it in the bathtub… Not so exciting! Hope your week is wonderful!

  8. Water is definitely a LOT harder than mirrors or windows! But, I think I like it the very best, really. That is an adorable shot; the look on her face is priceless! (and what a cute outfit, too). You have a great entry…

  9. fantastic shot – and yes, I would have had a heart attack!

    ps – I just look through your house (on your home tour) and – WOW – stunning – gorgeous! What a beauty!

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