Our theme this week is “Dramatic Black and White” and our guest photographer judge is Tara Whitney.

We are looking for B&W photos that are dramatic, sensational and/or moody in the way they are presented. Something about your entry must catch our eye as being dramatic or moody for it to be passed along to the judge as a top entry. I thought this photo seemed dramatic with the sun flare, lines of the trees, off kilter angle and the way her eyes seem to be looking right through the camera. I can’t wait to see what everyone else comes up with this week!

I hope you’ll visit I Heart Faces and enter a photo this week on Monday – Tuesday!

I’m one of the Co-Founders of I Heart Faces and just entering for fun. Click below to view more of my photo entries.

Angles •    Hands •   Texture •   Family •   Kiss •   Jump for Joy

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  1. Hi, Amy! I just wanted to come by and say hello for the first time! I just gave your sidekick a holla too-love how fun your site is and am looking forward to stalking your personal blog as well. (I know itโ€™s been said a ton already, but I too love the sun coming from behind your itty bitty. )

  2. Hi, Amy! I just wanted to come by and say hello for the first time! I just gave your sidekick a holla too-love how fun your site is and am looking forward to stalking your personal blog as well. (I know it’s been said a ton already, but I too love the sun coming from behind your itty bitty. ) ๐Ÿ˜‰

  3. I just LOVE the angles in this shot! What a lovely B&W. Thank you for inspiring us!

  4. oooh, yeah, what the previous commenter said: she looks caught in a moment, a thought… (also, the background is so lovely!)

  5. I really like how the light shines through her hair and her mood stands out. Wonderful shot. Thanks to both of y’all for doing this challenge for us. I haven’t done one in awhile but had a photo I wanted to enter for this neat theme.

  6. Beautiful shot! I just entered too. I love how she is backlit and her hair is flailing.

  7. Mmmm… love the tree bokeh and the light sepia tint, and yes, the sunflare! This was a hard one for me; I’m just not sure what qualifies as drama. But, once again it pushed me to explore new options and try a different “look”, so it’s all good!
    .-= Pam D´s last blog ..I Heart Faces-Dramatic Black and White =-.

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