Blurb Book Photo Contest

It’s going to be a fun week at I ? Faces… this is the week Angie and I will be the judges! Everyone will be entering one (and only one) photo that will be considered to be in our I ? Faces Blurb Book! This will be tough one, because I have a hard time making decisions! I’m a Libra, I like balance and want everyone to win:-)

Since I can’t make decisions, maybe you can help me decide about the photo I would choose.

This first one is of my little girl. I so want one of my kids to be in our book! I love her expression, the color and I think this is a fun shot.

This one is probably one of the best face shots I’ve taken. But, it’s not anyone I know and I didn’t get a “model release.” So might not be a good choice. Although she was in character and apparently fairies don’t talk, so maybe she wouldn’t mind if I used her photo?

I’m thinking we might need more adult shots in the book. So maybe this self portrait?

Okay, so what photo would you choose??

Since I’m the judge and co-founder, I’ll just add mine later. I like making the rules and breaking them:-)

Good luck to all who enter!!! I can’t wait to see your entries!

Visit I ? Faces to find out more details about our Blurb Book contest to find out how you can enter.

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  1. Dang. I’d have a hard time choosing between those too! And I’m a Capricorn! 🙂

    The picture of your daughter is so great. I also love the color and her expression. But it does seem as though the contest is lacking in adult faces, sooooo…..
    Even though I’m quite captivated by the elf, I would chose your self portrait to enter in the book. It’s just gorgeous. I love the tone, the hat and the serene ocean rolling in the background.

    In the end, I agree with everyone else, just enter all three! 🙂

    sonja’s last blog post..3 is magic number

  2. lol I was gonna say… even if you didn’t have a great shot (which you do… your daughter is adorable!!) couldn’t youjust add whatever picture you wanted anyway???!?!?!??

    I love the first one, but they are all really fun!

    God bless-

    Amanda’s last blog post..Attack of the Miscelanious Moments!

  3. Yeah, if I can’t even pick from THREE photos, how on earth are you going to pick from 400??? And that’s just the amateur category – good luck with all those professionals!!

    I LOVE the fairy picture – it’s so crisp and vivid. But your daughter is precious. Love the scrunched eyes. And the hot pink backdrop! That will go great with other subdued photos. And if it’s YOUR book, you ought to have YOUR daughter!

    Or, since you’re a rule breaker, enter all three!!! : )

    Heather@ adventures of aidanpod’s last blog post..Sweet, sentimental, and handsewn

  4. That self-portrait is gorgeous. I love your hat and your expression. Your eyes match the ocean.

    That shot of your little girl laughing is positively precious too. I can’t help but smile when I look at it.

    Stephanie’s last blog post..Big Sis/Lil Sis

  5. Oh I am horrible about these decisions too! I ask my husband to pick one and then I end up going with a totally different one. He thinks I do it on purpose but really I don’t 🙂

    I love all three and really though self portrait, but then I looked at the fairy pic again and it is wonderful. But then I decided you have to go with your daughter, I mean she HAS to be in the book – so I pick her 🙂 and now I have to stop or I might change my mind again, heh…

  6. I actually really really like your self-portrait. That would be the one i’d choose but the one of your daughter is adorable and the middle one is incredible!

  7. Darn it! I can’t decide because these are all great shots. I’ve ALWAYS loved your fairy shot, but the one of your daughter is so great too! And your self portrait is gorgeous. So… I guess I’m no help other than to say that I don’t think there is a wrong choice. I do think that they may need more adult pics though. Hmmmm…. Sorry I’m no help.

    Rebecca’s last blog post..Seahurst

  8. I would definitely say the one of your little cutie 🙂 But i had the same problem. I think I should just break the rules and add mine later too 🙂 haha

    I love all of them – you’re one talented chica! 🙂 thanks for doing this – I know I’ve told you this before but you are awesome!

    Becca @ the Stanley Clan’s last blog post..Weekend Re-Cap and a Plea for HELP!

  9. Sheesh…are you kidding? Is this what it is going to be like for you to pick winners this week? OK, although I agree with you that you may need more adult shots this week and both adult shots are wonderful, plus the fairy is so unusual…but here is the thing about the first shot – on top of the great composition, you managed to get a shot that totally grabs you and expresses so much, even with her eyes closed. I personally think it is really hard to convey much with a closed-eye shot so this one really stands out to me.

    jessi’s last blog post..I ? Faces – Favorite Face. Amateur Category.

  10. Your little girl.. hands down. Because, down the road, when you look at the book, THAT’S the one you’ll want to see in there! The fairy pic is beautiful, no doubt, but there’s no real meaning attached to it. Your girl, on the other hand? TOO special not to put in there. And someday, when she has a little girl of her own, she can open the book, point to the picture, and say “See what Grandmama did?” ;<)

    Pam D’s last blog post..I Heart Faces–Fix it Friday

  11. I DO love that fairy shot – I remember it and thought at the time (and still do) what a fantastic shot!

    T&T’s last blog post..I ? Faces ~ closeup

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