? Faces “Balloon” Photo Challenge



* I’m one of the Co-Founders of I ? Faces and doing this just for fun, no winning for me.*



With Halloween and all the craziness that went on at my house this weekend, I totally forgot to get a balloon photo. So I cheated!! hee hee.

Here is my original photo.


I found the perfect balloon shot in the Flickr Creative Commons by josephpetepickle 



How’s that for fun? I love Photoshop! No cheating for you though. Good luck!


Come on over to I ? Faces and share a photo with us! Enter Monday & Tuesday.


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  1. Great shot – I was thinking, “Wow, what a cool shot to capture.” Then I saw you Photoshopped it! Like the others, I had NO idea. Too neat!!! I LOVE it. 🙂

  2. What FUN!! I love balloons… never thought about editing them in when I need a little smile.

    I’m with the rest of your readers— I NEVER would have guessed! :):)

  3. Wow, I couldnt tell that was photoshopped. Nice job!
    .-= Walensky Photography´s last blog ..I ? Faces – Week 43 – Balloons =-.

  4. Wow. I was going to be incredibly mad impressed with that capture. Now I’m mad impressed by your creativity and handiwork on Photoshop! I’m always amazed what people can do on that program. I think i need to buy it…Christmas present perhaps?
    .-= the monkey’s mama´s last blog ..Halloween Recap! =-.

  5. You are the biggest cheater ever! LOL! That is awesome put together though…I love it. 🙂
    .-= Angie from The Arthur Clan´s last blog ..~Photo Challenge: Balloons~ =-.

  6. Love your mad Photoshop skills. I was just thinking when I first saw the picture “Man, she had that set up so perfectly and timed just right and had a kiddo that cooperated to boot”. 🙂
    .-= Brooke´s last blog ..I ? Faces – Balloons =-.

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