Minnie Mouse Halloween Painted Pumpkin by Amy Locurto at LivingLocurto.com

I don’t carve pumpkins for Halloween anymore, I paint!

Because I have small children, painting pumpkins is the easiest and most fun option for them now. My daughter LOVED her Minnie Mouse Pumpkin last year at Halloween!

These are some wonderful pumpkins the older girls at my daughter’s school painted. Each Halloween they display their art work and I’m always super impressed with their creativity! Some are painted on plastic pumpkins, perfect for saving for next year.

8 Halloween Painted Pumpkin Ideas LivingLocurto.com


8 Halloween Painted Pumpkin Ideas LivingLocurto.com


Halloween Super Hero Painted Pumpkin | Living Locurto


Halloween Dr. Seuss Painted Pumpkin | Living Locurto

Dr. Seuss is so fun! This is a big gourd sitting on a plastic container, the hat is a paper plate.


Halloween Alien Monster Painted Pumpkin | Living Locurto


Halloween Owl Painted Pumpkin | Living Locurto


Halloween Bunny Painted Pumpkin | Living Locurto

To learn how to paint a pumpkin visit this site. If you would rather carve one, check out One Pretty Thing’s Pumpkin Carving Round-Up.


Do you carve or paint pumpkins?


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  1. Painting the pumpkin sure looks a lot easier, less messy and more fun. I don’t know if my pumpkin will turn out like yours, but definitely this is what I’m doing next year.

  2. OOPs, forgot to leave my name!!

    I love that I can say I knew you when you werenโ€™t featured on SITS! Congrats!!
    Love those pumpkinsโ€ฆso creative!

  3. I love that I can say I knew you when you weren’t featured on SITS! Congrats!!

    Love those pumpkins…so creative!

  4. Those are great (and very satisfying) photos!!!

    I love the painted pumpkins! If we had painted instead of carved two weekends ago, we would still have pumpkins (not a moldy mess) to show off at Halloween!

  5. I carve pumpkins! – I just carved one that was a large pumpkin eating a smaller pumpkin… it came out quite good – i was very proud of myself

  6. Wow, what a great job. I thought at first you just painted in the eyes and mouth etc like I see here done at the local grocery store but your’s are way cooler.

    Stopping by from SITS.

  7. Wow, you are so creative! You made so many too. I’ll bet you had a lot of fun making all of those. You’re really talented.

    Congratulations on your SITS day!
    .-= Mindi ´s last blog ..Loud And Clear =-.

  8. What a great idea! We carve pumpkins, but it’s such a mess and always so much clean up. Half the time we don’t even do that good of a job! Maybe next year we’ll just paint. Though I do love the roasted pumpkin seeds part!

    That little girl in her costume is precious. I love her total focused expression. ๐Ÿ™‚

  9. Very cute pumpkins. I may have to do a couple more for next yr. Since I don’t have a little any longer I painted mine on a carvable pumpkin last yr. All I had to do was sit it on the front porch.

  10. Super cute painted pumpkins! I haven’t gotten a pumpkin this year. I think I have been too busy trying to get costumes together (and I only have one kid right now!) Came from SITS.

  11. Love the pumpkins! After numerous almost misses with the knife and possible stitches, I think I may paint a pumpkin this year too.

  12. Those are so neat and very creative ๐Ÿ™‚ I’m not sure I’m talented enough to do that myself though lol. Have an amazing day ๐Ÿ™‚
    God Bless

  13. Ok, so I’m totally in love with Super Pumpkin! I am already flipping the pages of his comic book in my head. So adorable!

  14. Wow, those are some AWESOME pumpkins! Ours is naked this year, but this makes me wish I had a creative bone in my body so I could paint ours! Stopping by from SITS, happy Friday to you!
    .-= Type A Mommy´s last blog ..Mandarin Chicken =-.

  15. Oh that turquoise alienesque pumpkins are WILD! I LOVE them! Really sad news, but we haven’t done anything with pumpkins this year….my husband likes to carve them, but I’d rather paint them.

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