Tip Junkie - I Heart Faces Photography Challenge

Our photo challenge this week at I Heart Faces is “Friendship”. It’s National Friendship Week.  We love that… especially since I Heart Faces was started because of my friendship with Angie. What many people don’t know is she lives in Ohio and I’m in Dallas and we met through blogging. I had the pleasure of attending the BlogHer Conference this weekend in San Diego. It was wonderful seeing so many of my friends, especially these two lovely ladies.

Laurie (Tip Junkie), Angie (I Heart Faces) and I skipped out of the conference one afternoon and spent time at the Hotel Del in Coronado! We couldn’t pass up time on the beach while being in such a gorgeous place. I love this photo of my two special friends! I think I was probably saying something goofy and caught their reaction. This photo will always remind me of that awesome day!

Join the fun and enter a friendship photo on Monday & Tuesday.

P.S. They are carrying the beautiful bags (these particular bags have room for a laptop too!). Laurie has a pretty custom made camera strap.

Share the fun!

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  1. Amy – I miss you and Angie already! That was such a fun day and I’m so glad we were able to hang out together.

    I LOVE me Sew Tamz camera strap and Epiphanie laptop/camera bag. Such amazing women and great products!


  2. i love that you guys’ friendship started thru blogging! I had no idea ๐Ÿ™‚

    great pic and *le sigh* gotta love those epiphanie bags ๐Ÿ™‚

  3. What an absolutely gorgeous place to spend the afternoon with friends!! Blogging has allowed me to meet some of the most amazing women who I count among my dearest friends. Isn’t it wonderful when you can actually get out from behind the computer and spend some real face-to-face time with them?!? THE BEST!! And darn it if I didn’t just fall in love with that camera bag. LOOOOVE that color!!!

  4. I think they look happily caught ๐Ÿ™‚ So glad the workshop was a blast… wish I’d been there (but I’m trying not to be jealous).

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