I just got back from a college reunion with my sorority girlfriends. We had a fun time visiting our old house. Hard to believe 60+ girls lived in one house and are still friends! ha. A fun fact, I went to college with this guy, you might recognize him from a few movies… James Mardsen.

James MardsenPhoto by Jesse Grant –  WireImage.com

At Oklahoma State, we called him Jimmy. I remember he was always singing and performing. My favorite movies he’s acted in were Enchanted, The Notebook and 27 Dresses. I was excited to find out my friend Kerri brought a tape of a theater performance my sorority did with his fraternity. So of course everyone gathered around the TV when it was time to watch. Even some of the young girls came out of their rooms to see what the fuss was about with us old ladies!

This is what the young girls looked like when James Mardsen came on screen (insert screaming here)… hilarious!! I guess we were cooler than they thought.

Candid Photo - I Heart Faces

I Heart Faces “Candid” Photo Challenge


James Mardsen College Photo

What a funny video! It was a disco theme with the most ridiculous costumes. Ha! My friend Ashley was Jimmy’s dance partner. Here you go Ashley…. proof that you danced with the real prince from Enchanted! Your daughter will freak out! LOL!! (Oh by the way, I loved the spin move you did with him. I about peed my pants:-)

James Mardsen College Photo

I Heart Faces Photography & Tutorials

* I’m one of the Co-Founders of I Heart Faces and doing this just for fun, no winning for me. I broke the rules by having more than one photo in the post… sorry I just couldn’t help it! ha.*


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  1. how cool! he seems like such a nice guy. his wife is from nashville (where i live) and we have run into him a couple times at coffee shops.

    how fun that you went to college with Cyclops! : )

  2. Such a fun capture and story. I loved it. The look on their faces…of total shock and amazement…priceless. So absolutely perfect for this week’s theme. BTW, going to the same school as James Marsden…yes, very cool indeed)

  3. OMG, that is so amazing. I loved that movie – just saw it earlier this year when we borrowed it from a friend.

    Looks like you had a blast! Love the photo of the reactions on the girls’ faces.

  4. oh Amy – say it’s not so: I must be getting old. Even having seen Enchanted, I had no idea who this guy was. Or maybe it’s not that I’m getting old, it’s just that I need to get out from behind my camera more often. yeah. that must be it. ๐Ÿ˜‰

    looks like you had a terrific time at your reunion!!!

  5. i’m loving it! i have that video somewhere…it should be in youtube…however you spell it…i wore my hair “chrissy” style from three’s company i believe…and was that “ladies night”???? ha ha! so funny! i feel so SPESHUL!!!! swooning…he was hot then, he’s hot now! ; ) blessings!

  6. oh, that’s great! i love james marsden – my favorite (other than Enchanted, was Hairspray).

    my photo is posted now also. feel free to come on over for a visit anytime :).

  7. oh, that’s great! i love james marsden – my favorite (other than Enchanted, was Hairspray).

    my photo is posted now also. feel free to come on over for a visit anytime :).

  8. I once fainted when asking someone a question on camera. You don’t see me faint but you do see the person on film watch me keel over.

    You caught one of those moments!


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