Easy photography styling tips to help you take better photos for your blog. Learn a few simple photo styling secrets to help your photos look more amazing!

3 Simple Photography Styling Tips. Take better photos today! LivingLocurto.com

3 Simple Photography Styling Tips

I hope you enjoy these quick and easy photography tips for bloggers. Over the many years of my career as an art director, I have learned a lot about photo styling.

There are numerous photography tips I could give you to help you take better photos, but here are three simple photography tips that I think will help you best right now!

Just taking a little time to think about your photo before snapping can make a world of difference! Whether you are a blogger, Instagrammer or just want to take better photos at home for yourself, these tips can help.

quick and easy photography tips for bloggers

Use these photo styling tips for blogging, an online shop, Instagram, vacations, your kid’s birthday parties or just playing around with your photography at home.


1. Include Something Living in Your Photo

Remember the three P’s…. People, Pets and Plants when taking your next photo. If you can have one of these three living things in your photo, it will give your photos some life.


People in Photos

If you have kids, they are perfect to make a photo look more interesting and to tell a story with your photo.

quick and easy photography tips for bloggers

I use my kids and their friends all of the time, even when they don’t even realize it. A lot of times, they are just somewhere in the background or I use their hands. This makes the photo feel more real and in the moment.

quick and easy photography tips for bloggers

Instead of taking photos of my Lego Party Piñata by itself, I waited until the kids were hitting it, then got some action shots.

Having the children in the photo makes for a much more interesting and fun image.

quick and easy photography tips for bloggers


Props for Photos

Flowers can also make a photo more appealing and perfect props for home and craft photos!

Easy photography tips for bloggers


Fresh flowers are great, but not always available when you need to snap a photo of a project. I often use silk flowers because they make easy props to keep on hand.

Easy photography tips for bloggers

Pets in Photos

If you have a cute pet, they make a photo so much fun!

I really needed my cat in this photo for my DIY Cat Litter Box. You wouldn’t know what it was without him.

Easy photography tips for bloggers

I try and put my cat in photos whenever I can, but of course cats aren’t always the most cooperative.

There was an adorable cat that we loved on our Jamaica vacation and I used him in the background of a lot of my photos to give the photos some personality.

Easy photography tips for bloggers - using pets



2. Use Small Plates

Salad and dessert size plates work great for food and craft photography. You can’t tell by the photos what size the plate actually is, and the food easily fills the plate! It’s a great illusion and photography secret.

Easy photography tips for bloggers - Food styling tips

Small plate example:

In the photo below, you wouldn’t know I’m using a dessert plate for my breakfast casserole recipe.

Easy photography tips for bloggers - Food styling tips

You can see the actual size of my plate better in the photo below. Compared to the casserole dish, you can see it’s actually a dessert plate.

Easy photography tips for bloggers - Food styling tips


3. Don’t Use the Same Props Over and Over Again

As well as changing your background, don’t forget to change out your props when styling photos.

Photography tips for bloggers - Food styling tips and props

Your photos will all start looking the same if you keep using that same plate, flower arrangement, napkin, etc. It’s great to keep a consistent style, but having different options for props is a must!

Photography tips for bloggers - Food styling tips and props

Shopping for photography props doesn’t have to be expensive! Check out garage sales, thrift shops and grab things from different rooms of your home.

What is one photography prop you can’t live without?

I highly suggest stocking up on different colors of wrapping paper, especially if you take photos of crafts, food or printables. Simple patterns are the best and I couldn’t work without my wrapping paper!

Wrapping paper is a great prop for clean backgrounds. Find some here on Amazon.

Photography tips for bloggers - styling tips and props - wrapping paper


Where Can You Find Cheap Photography Props?

I made a fun “behind the scenes” video of us shopping for props. See the props I found for only $10 and how I use them.

YouTube video

Watch the video on YouTube here and subscribe to my Channel for more how to videos.


I hope these three simple tips help you take better photos. You might also like this tips:

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7 Simple Tips for Taking Amazing Family Vacation Photos by LivingLocurto.com

 Originally published on March 20, 2014 

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  1. Fun video shopping for props! Can you share how you store your props, servingware and party items? I’m collecting quite a bit but haven’t been able to find suitable storage solutions. I am trying to take pictures of the items so I can review what I have. Enjoy your blog! Thanks!!

  2. Thank you. I had an email from the pattern company I am working with and they said to include a stylized photo. Your email came a day late, after I had tried to figure out what they meant. But I sure did get many ideas from your post.

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