“Back to School” Photo Challenge
I found a small chalk board and thought it would be fun to write the kid’s grade on it, so I could remember what age they were at the time I took their pictures. I’m already looking back at photos asking myself… “What year was this?” Does that mean I’m old? ha!
Make sure to enter only ONE photo if you’d like be eligible as a winner for the challenge. A collage can also be in your post just for fun. This week, I couldn’t decide on one… so just went with the collage:-)
*I’m one of the Co-Founders of I Heart Faces and doing this just for fun.*
Do you have cute back to school photos? Come on over to I Heart Faces and share a photo with us!
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I saw somewhere in blogland (can’t remember) where the kids wrote their names on the chalkboard for their first day of school photos. . .and the mom said it was neat to have a record of how her kids’ handwriting had changed over the years. I would love to do the kids’ signature with your grade idea.
Great idea to use the chalkboard!! I cant believe he is starting First Grade…..where does time fly???? They are both adorable!
Your collage is fabulous. Love the chalkboard and the grade. Such a cool idea. Your children are adorable.
I LOVE the chalkboard idea — so so cute!
That miniature chalkboard is super cute! What a fantastic idea!
I ? that chalkboard idea so much! I’m going to have to hunt one down just for photo ops. 🙂
What an awesome idea. I may have to steal that one from you next year, although I’ve only got 3 more years until my oldest is off to college. YIKES! Now THAT makes me feel ancient. 🙂
Everyone else has already said it but I love the chalkboard idea too. BTW, your penmanship…perfect. 😉 Great collage.
Love the storyboard. is this something you did in photoshop? would love to do one for my daughter’s first day. great idea!
That’s a great idea!
Beautiful family.
Oh my goodness so sweet Amy! I love the chalk board. Brilliant! I LOVE her sparkly shoes! They are brilliant. She is so cute. And so is your son of course! Adorable to the max!
Amy, that is a wonderful idea with the chalkboard! Do you think I could get my 18-year-old and my 15-year-old to hold one up when they go back to school on Thursday???
I can’t enter I Heart Faces this week because I will miss the deadline but I will enjoy looking at everyone’s pictures.
I just wish I knew you 15 years ago as I would have been using your crafting ideas all of the time! I did crafts but my only source of ideas at the time was Family Fun magazine.
Your photos are adorable!!!
so do you think they have chalkboards big enough to write my age on? =)
Very cute idea.
Your kids are just adorable! Love your collage! And now I need to get myself a chalkboard! That is just SO clever!
Those pic’s are great… and that chalkboard idea is AWESOME!!!
sooo cute!!!
i, too, love the chalkboard idea….i wish i would’ve thought of it!!! is it too late to start now????? i don’t think so…very cute amy…many blessings!
love the collage! i really wanted to enter in i heart faces this week, but Lilly does not start kindergarden until Wednesday!
Great photos! The chalk board idea is priceless!! I might have to *copy* your idea for the future.;-)
LOVE the chalkboard! Oh, what a great theme to do every year. Of course, I would never follow through. I started a scrapbook page where my boy wrote his name each year; got K5, 1st, and 2nd, and then..? Don’t even know where it is now. *sigh* God knew what he was doing when He only gave me one; any more than that and I’d just lose ’em somewhere.
I hope your sweeties are loving school!
Precious! Hope they enjoy school. This is the time to have fun and be a kid!!
Do you have a back to school photo to enter? http://bit.ly/1SCGCH
@iheartfaces (via @livinglocurto)
i love your idea, Amy! I’m going to have to steal it when Monkey goes off to school!
Great collage, too! I hope they are having fun at school!
I love the chalkboard idea! Next year though, you’ll have to write the year on there too, so you won’t feel old 😛
I don’t have a photo to share cause my daughter didin’t take any..but I just loved the chalk board idea and these children are so very cute…lovely pics..