I am taking you on a tour of my home. (Well, the part that is not piled with toys, sippy cups and shoes!)

Yesterday, I showed off my cleaned up front porch. Here is a full view of the house. My husband works hard on our yard, so I tried to show a little bit of the green grass. Great job hubby! It was raining when I took this, so it sort of looks like I live in a rain forest.

Come on in Ya’ll…

This is the dinning room I just re-arranged. Since I didn’t plan on doing this, I have no before shots. But I can tell you it was very cluttered with a big tree, ugly dried flowers on little shelves, candle sticks, frames of the kids. Just a bunch of things that didn’t belong!

I am enjoying this toned down simple look. Three things I want to add to this room. Maybe you can give me some ideas!

  1. A Rug. Should it be a colorful pattern or simple?
  2. Blue accents. A peacock blue maybe? Something to help that painting pop. Oh, what about a pretty table cloth? I can’t picture a blue table cloth though? mmmm?
  3. Plates around the big mirror. Or should I just leave it? I can’t make decisions!!
My favorite area of the house is my family photos along the stairs.

I love decorating with old books and fruit.

I usually buy bags of apples and lemons at every grocery store run. I have small children and can’t keep anything too nice within little arms reach! I have a big bowl full of sea shells and those are all broken now! Right before I took this photo below, I realize there was a bite in one of the apples. I should have left it! ha.

Note the big bowl of broken shells on the table above. I can’t believe that crystal bowl is still intact!

Now after looking at these photos. I really want to get new lamps and blue accents! I used to have lamps, in these rooms, but ended up moving them to areas that we actual use on a daily basis.

You may think,  oh bla… where’s the color?  Since all my other rooms are very colorful, I left the entry neutral tones. It’s fun to change color with accents.

Want to see more of my house? Check out these posts:

Front Porch

Home Office & Garden

Kid’s Rooms

Kid’s Playroom (scroll down to see it)

Media Room

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  1. Your house is gorgeous. ๐Ÿ˜‰ I love old books, too. I have two really old Poultry Science books I’m getting rid of if you want them. If I can get a sponsor to send me to the I heart Faces Dallas weekend thing, I’ll bring them to you. ๐Ÿ˜‰

  2. Your entire house is beautiful. Did you say you were an interior designer as well as all of your other “jobs”? I don’t know how your house can be so beautiful and neat when you have children. Mine never looks that pretty.

  3. Your home is beautiful! In the dining area, I would look for some medium to tall floor vases in a bird egg blue color. Fill them with some organic material, such as grasses…. I love it I’m linking to your site.

  4. You have a beautiful home. I especially like how you used your family photos along the stairs. Great idea. I look forward to arranging our family prints in frames when we finally move.

  5. Ummm . . . are you available this coming weekend? lol We’re finally moving into our new addition, and I could really use some decorating tips! ; )

    I’m LOVING your site and you’re a new fav on my list! I’ll be coming back often to see what you’ve been up to!

    Thanks so much for the kind comments you left on my blog regarding my kids’ bedrooms. We’ve still got a little way to go, but should be completely moved in by the end of the month!

    kylaโ€™s last blog post..The Simple Woman’s Daybook ~ April 20th Edition

  6. I love your home! I am trying to do the more muted toned down thing to! It’s hard when you love color! Try adding maybe a blue rug, or blue shades on your light fixture! I love how you did your photos on the wall . I hung a bunch like that and I like it but mine looks more chaotic than yours! Keep up the good work! Looks great!

  7. Your home is beautiful! I love using neutral colors and adding pops of color with the accents. Very classy.

    I think some blue plates around the mirror in your dining room might be what you’re looking for. A pop of color, something around the mirror, and nothing too cluttered.

    Annieโ€™s last blog post..Finger Painting

  8. Lovely photos! My favorite “scene” is the beautiful wood table with the blue vase and the chairs around — great fabric. I would stay away from tableclothes — would obsure this simple and elegant look. A rug might be cozy, though. Thanks for sharing!
    (ps – wondered here after following some other folks’ links from pioneerwoman)

  9. I actually really like your living/sitting room. But then again I have a very traditional style and I’m usually scared of using bright colors. I adore that artwork (yellow lily) above your white couch.
    ps, i’m visiting from nester’s site.

  10. um…why do i insist upon only checking blogs when i have little, little, little time? i’m totally redoing my blog design and i’m having a whole, daily reads kind of section and i’m writing this here so i won’t forget that i must put you on there or i’ll kick my own head in and then that would be really bad. love the house pics. i love the idea of plates around the mirror…you can put a modern spin on that, instead of vintage dishes do something super cool and hip…ya know, like you! also, i read all the way to the whole pre-school, nap post, but i’m commenting here. good for you for changing her back. i have a degree in early childhood and that ain’t no way to treat a lady, m’dear. glad you stuck with your guns. the goal is not to conform the child to the “system”…c’mon! i’m sure they think they’re doing right, just like most schools, but the truth is, we aren’t really doing right. we’re doing what’s easy, what causes the most conformity in the shortest amount of time. in my humble opinion. tonight i learned something way cool at church about this very thing and now it’s slipped my mind…okay, i think it was how our whole society is performance-based. but God sees the inner man or child in this case and the heart and why can’t we just see the children for what they are instead of rewarding them for performance or naps or conformity or whatever. struck a nerve with me obviously. okay. now that i’ve written the longest blog comment in the world, i’ll stop. love you to pieces! blessings.

  11. Your home is beautiful! Thanks for sharing and I can’t wait to see more.

    As for the dining room, if you are getting a rug, I would go with simple. I love the classic, simple look the room already has so I wouldn’t do anything to distract from that.

    I absolutely love how the painting above the sofa matches the pillows. I had already decided that I was going to Harry Hines this weekend to get some fabric to make some new pillows. Now I’m even more inspired and more anxious for Saturday to get here!


  12. Your home is absolutely beautiful!!! The dining room is perfect. I like the natural wood table. Dress up the table with tablecloth or runner near the holidays … Christmas, Easter, etc. IMO add a rug for winter and bare floors in the summer. You’ve got the touch so whatever you change – if anything – it’ll be fab!!

  13. Beautiful home! The staircase is my favorite, too.

    I think a rug would look nice in the dining room. My personal style–I would leave the mirror wall alone, but I tend to go more sparse on wall hangings. I think in the South it’s probably more proper to have more more more (at least from what I’ve seen in Southern magazines).

  14. Man, I just read everyone’s comments. You guys are so sweet!! I’m excited to see all you POOPIES here! ha. I guess I’m not too bad on the fake plants. Whewww.

    I think I will look for some type of rug with blue and more plates for the wall. Thanks for all the ideas!


  15. So Amy, when are you going to come to Ohio to decorate my house for me?? (hint, hint) ๐Ÿ™‚ I have no decorating skills whatsoever so I am in awe of the beautiful little touches you’ve added to your home…gorgeous!

    I am totally going to copy your “photos along the staircase” idea though. I think I might be able to handle that one.

    Your home is beautiful!

  16. Can I move in?
    I mean, I won’t take up much room, I am only a 6ft tall red head with a 2 yr old, 9 yr old & 14 yr old & one 37yr old man child.
    I will leave them behind!!!!

    Fabu house!!!
    Love your style.

  17. Hi Amy,

    Your house is absolutely beautiful! My husband, Doug works with yours and forwarded me the link to your blog. Sounds like we have a lot in common (including the same anniversary date!). Anyways, just wanted to let you know that I stopped by and really enjoyed reading your blog, seeing your beautiful art, your adorable children, and your gorgeous house!

  18. Your house is gorgeous!!
    I agree with hookedonhouses – I think hanging more plates around your mirror in the dining room would be really nice. And I like the idea of framing them – what a cool idea!
    Have you thought of introducing more blue to your dining room in the rug?? Just an idea. I think a rug would really look nice in there!

    Oh, I need to join the P.O.O.P.I.E. club too… I was reading about it yesterday! I did spot some of the faux plants in your house – but they’re not objectionable at all!! You have beautiful taste. And, hey, the apples are real!

  19. I love your house–outside and in. I wish mine looked that pulled together. I like your idea of hanging plates around the big mirror. I think that would look really pretty. I can’t wait to see the kids’ rooms! -Julia

  20. Beautifully decorated rooms, am sure everyone will be full of ideas for you but for now I am stopping by to say congrats on your win over at The Inspired Room.

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