in Jamaica provides an unforgettable all-inclusive family vacation and I couldn’t be more excited to announce my partnership with them!
I love to travel and simply can’t wait to experience what I expect will be a perfect family vacation!!
Over the last month, I’ve been talking with the folks at and learning so much about them. Not only is the location gorgeous, but the staff is top-notch. I’ve been hearing nothing but amazing things and will be visiting them in person this July!
This place has it all! With six private villas spread around the rolling hills of Jamaica, your family will be in vacation paradise.
Each villa comes with a private pool, access to the beach, all food and drinks, plus an entire staff! YES… you get a headman (concierge), private chef, housekeeper, nanny and seaside staff !
Full breakfasts are served each morning. So we will be waking up to this! Heaven right???
I hear they even do your laundry before you go, so when you get home all you have to do is put away your clothes. Yep, with two messy kids and a husband, plus my own mess… that alone is worth the trip! ha!
And the food looks delicious! Not only does your personal chef cook for you, but they have a Jamaican Jerk Chicken barbecue for all guests each Wednesday. I can’t wait!!!
Amazing Deal for You!
To kick off this exciting news, Bluefields Bay Villas wants to hear from Living Locurto readers and give YOU an amazing deal if you would like to visit them too.
Please help me decide which vacation package to choose by clicking here and voting on your favorite package! What would you choose to do out of these three things??? They all sound so much fun. I can’t decide!
- Horseback Riding on the Beach
- Waterfalls & Crocodiles
- Fish & Spa
Click Here to vote on YOUR favorite.
**Bluefields Bay Villas guests who enter the promo code “LOCURTO” will have their stay exclusively upgraded to include the package with the most votes- for FREE!
I’m already dreaming of this…
I know my daughter is dreaming of this…
Be sure to tell me what your dream package would be by going here and voting on your favorite.
As a mom of two who owns two businesses with hectic deadlines, I really need a break and so thankful for Bluefields Bay Villas for having such a wonderful place to get away and relax with my family.
I hope you will join me in my photo journey as I blog live from Jamaica in July!
I’m sooo excited!!
- Visit Bluefields Bay’s Website
- Like them on Facebook here.
I wrote this post while partnering with Bluefield Bay Villas and received a week vacation with them as part of my participation. All opinions are my own.
Hi Amy. I was wondering, did you do a follow-up post about your experience at Bluefields Villa? Would love to know if you had posted whether or not it had lived up to your expectations.
Thanks for the great tips, Jamaica is a very beautiful country with diverse culture., beautiful beaches and great hospitality
Hello Amy, I accidentally stumbled upon your site while looking up Bluefields Bay Villas. My husband and I are gong there at the end of August and I can't wait. I am certainly looking forward to your blog about this beautiful paradise. Your website is too cute and looks like it has a ton of great ideas and things for the kids to do. As a mom of three boys, we are always looking for some fun creative projects and snacks. Have fun this week!
This would have to be a dream come true for me. I am so jealous! You deserve it and have a wonderful time. I can not wait to see the pictures you take. Enjoy yourself and take it all in!
OMG! Everything looks sooooo beautiful! I know you and your family will have a wonderful time. Enjoy yourselves!
Hi Amy, I’m one of your avid readers from down under in Oz and I have voted for the Waterfalls and Crocs. I have two girls aged 8 and 5 who have grown up visiting the Australia Zoo owned by the Irwin family and they hold a fascination for crocs. Two years ago we visited the South Pacific and experienced some amazing waterfalls so what better combination could you choose, even though they all sound fabulous. Have the best time in July and I look forward to following your live blog from Jamaica. Who knows, Jamaica may very well be on the agenda for a holiday ๐
Thanks Caron Johnson! Me too!
So excited for you! Have tons of fun!
Thanks for the great tips Kim!
I wish you could come!! Love me some Tina Fey. “I want to go to there!” ha!
Wishing you a wonderful family vacation. It looks absolutely amazing!
So exciting for y'all!
Wow!!! That looks completely amazing Amy!!! I think I would go for the waterfalls and crocodiles. But they all sounds so fun!
My hubby and I went to Jamaica this past March and it was an amazing trip. The water is warm and beautiful. The people are so friendly. It was something we will ALWAYS remember. If you get the chance, I definitely recommend going snorkeling! We also did a zipline tour and went to Dunns River Falls. Both were a ton of fun! Have a great trip.
I know I can’t wait!!! This would be an amazing place for your family to go. Thanks for voting. That’s a great point about the crocs. I think my son would like that one best too:-)
oh how BEAUTIFUL Amy!! we are getting ready to start planning a tropical family vacation for next year to celebrate our youngest graduating high school, and the girls have never been any where like this!!!
I voted on the Waterfalls and Crocs package because I thought, where else could you do that?!