I enjoy meeting other moms through blogging. This award goes to a mom who is deserving of a big shout out!

This is one sweet mommy I’ve gotten to know through I ? Faces and Twitter. Funny thing is, I don’t even know her name! She blogs at Monkeys On The Bed and goes by the name Monkey’s Mama… so we’ll just call her that:-)

Monkey’s Mama is a beautiful young Christian mom of the cutest baby she calls “Baby C”. I LOVE those head bands she is always wearing! After reading Monkey’s Mama’s story of the hardships she went through to have a baby, you’ll understand why this little girl is so loved!! Read her story to find out more, it’s very touching. She and a friend started a support group at their church to encourage women through infertility, miscarriages, still births, and failed adoptions.

She is also a twin. How fun is that? I think that is the most adorable photo of them together with their babies. Monkey’s Mama is also very creative and has some awesome tutorials on her site. Check out this tutorial on how to make those cute baby headbands.

This will be a surprise to Monkey’s Mama, so please take time to check out her blog and say hi! Tell her you saw her here:-)

monkeys on the bed!

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  1. Thank you SO much! Definitely a suprise but one of the best ones I’ve had in Forever! I’m so touched and humbled that you chose to write about me. I would like to say that any good thing you see on my blog is God shining through and not me! Thank you again–this will definitely make the top of my Thankful Thursday post!!!

    the monkey’s mama’s last blog post..Wordless Wednesday: Didn’t anyone tell you…

  2. What a sweet idea! I’ve visited her site through I Heart Faces but obviously didn’t poke around enough! (I don’t think the Bug Hunter would appreciate those headbands one bit!) I’ll go check out her story!

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