You’ve heard me talk about our new photography website… well, today is the first day the sharing begins!  The wonderful Miz Booshay is this week’s guest photographer judge. What a fun way to kick off the week!

This is one of my favorite photos. I’m amazed at how much my daughter has grown since this was taken! I’m glad I got cute shots like this when I had a chance. Now that she’s 2, she’s always talking or on the go. There will be no holding still for the camera AT ALL! ha.

I Heart Faces

Head on over to I ? Faces and click on the wonderful links. I can’t wait to see all the faces that make an appearance.

I want to thank all of you who have been so supportive, we’re overwhelmed by all the followers and members of our Flickr and Facebook groups. We hope to build a fun community of photographer junkies. I’m not a great photographer, but I sure do have a ton of pictures on my computer! So that alone makes me a junkie:-) I hope to learn a lot from looking at your photos.

Want to get involved?

  • Add your photo to our web site. You can pick from 2 categories, kids or adults. Pets are coming soon!
  • Follow us on Twitter
  • Subscribe to our site to keep up with the latest news.
  • Join our Flickr groups: PeoplePets
  • Join us on Facebook
  • Put our button on your web site. The more people who know about it, the more fun it will be!
I Heart Faces

I hope you’ll participate in the I ? Faces fun!

Thanks, Amy

Share the fun!

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  1. What a fun contest……..Of course I would have to vote for this picture with the chocolate!

  2. Love your photo- and I’ve had a ton of fun with this- although I think I did a few too many photos today- {Just couldn’t pick one grandchild to use} next time I will just show one photo-
    Thanks for starting all this fun-
    Happy Day

  3. By the way, I tried to post the button HTML from thise site and it wouldnt work so I had to use the code from the button grab on i heart faces. You might check into it.

    Tim’s last blog post..Not Me Monday!

  4. Hey Amy,

    Seen you around on so many of my bloggy friends sites so I decided to come and check you out. Funny thing is that I just put your button on my blog yesterday but didnt know it was you that had created this grerat place to share photos. What a great idea!!

    I do hope that you will come by and visit us at Fort Thompson, we would love to have you anytime. Please feel free to follow along if you like we would love that.

    Look forward to following your site.

    God Bless.

    Tim’s last blog post..Not Me Monday!

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