I just got these photos and note from one of my readers Lucía….
Dear Amy:
As I told you, find here the Vogue Spain Special Kids. It’s a semester issue this is the one for winter.
The article is about blogs for moms. They made a selection of ecologic blogs for kids, fashion blogs, and you are in the inspiration blogs.
The translation is:
“Big parties”
A mother and graphic designer shows the best tematic parties with free downloads printables, weekly menus, etc.. Also she publish the ideas of readers that want to share. Livinglocurto.com”
Sorry about the translation maybe you can translate into real English. Well see you are an inspiration for people here in Spain. Hope you like the article!
Who knew I was inspiring moms in Spain?? I’m so flattered! I didn’t know Vogue even had a kids magazine. A BIG thanks to Lucía for filling me in on the scoop in Spain! I would have had no idea otherwise. How fun!
Good news
I have been having issues with my web site, so I haven’t been doing my usual posts afraid they would be there one minute and gone the next. Basically nothing was working correctly and my site was crashing all the other sites on my programmer’s servers. Not good! So I’ve had all my plug-ins turned off for 2 weeks while he tried to fix the problems. We decided to move servers last night and I think it worked! Yeah! I’m one happy girl today. I hope to get back into my normal blogging and features soon. I have several new Halloween goodies and recipes to show:-) Plus, I’m working on my Annual Locurto Halloween Party and hope to have some fun things to share about it as well.
Thanks for hanging in there during all the times my site has been down!
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That is awesome! I am a new reader and from what I have seen, you completely deserve this! Congratulations on such a wonderful accomplishment.
Ah man Amy – this is so very cool. Way to go!! I’m so glad your reader saw that and sent it to you. 🙂
.-= Angie from The Arthur Clan´s last blog ..~An Amazing Family~ =-.
HOLY CRAPOLI!! CONGRATULATIONS! You should be so proud!! MWAH!
.-= Carrie´s last blog ..Witches’ Tea Party =-.
As I told you, you are inspiration!!!
.-= baballa´s last blog ..leer un cuento ¿fácil? en mi casa no…read a book easy? not in my place =-.
AMY!! That is so awesome!! You totally deserve it, girl! Your blog is a complete inspiration. 🙂
QUé buena idea tuvo Lucía mandando este mail.
Amí me encantó también el artículo cuando lo vi en la revista!
Congratulations for such good news and it’s so nice to see that people from all over the world can enjoy your wonderful and fun, fun blog!
.-= celia´s last blog ..Long post! =-.
WOW Amy that’s AWESOME! I can’t believe they didn’t contact you to let you know though!!
Amy, Congrats on being recognized in Spain’s Vogue! How exciting…you’re inspiring so many and so far across the world too…that’s pretty amazing. BTW, glad to hear your computer issues were fixed. I noticed it yesterday when I tried to stop by and leave a comment. Hopefully, no more problems. Looking forward to reading more.
.-= Emily´s last blog ..40 Boxes of Pink =-.
Yeah Amy! You deserve it! In fact, I think I’ll be downloading those days of the week and cards to help kids get ready in the morning. The longer I can sleep in, the better.
.-= Screwed Up Texan´s last blog ..I Should Get an Award for This =-.