
Having a three year old daughter who LOVES pink, I could have used one of the many shots of her this week. Instead, I asked my friend who did the 3 Day walk in Arizona to send me her photos.

Kari did this race in memory of her mother. My mom, along with 2 handfuls of my closest friend’s mothers are breast cancer survivors. A friend who is my age is a survivor. My Grandma Chunkie lost her life from it. I really don’t know anyone who hasn’t had to deal with this disease in their life. That’s why I love these events so much! It’s great to see the courage of survivors and the committed walkers supporting such an important cause.

I hope to be able to do the 3 Day with my friends sometime. I pray there is a cure by the time my daughter is grown. I cheered Kari on from several states away and hope you enjoy her photos. I’m sure it was a very emotional weekend for the thousands of women who participated. Way to go Kari!

3DayWhat, no bra hat?

Make a donation today to help erase breast cancer.

? Faces “Pink” Photo Challenge


* I’m one of the Co-Founders of I ? Faces and doing this just for fun, no winning for me.*

Come on over to I ? Faces and share a photo with us! Enter Monday & Tuesday.

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  1. I just got diagnosed with this disease on Sept. 30th and I am recovering from a mastectomy I had on Oct. 11, 2010. My mother died at age 43 from this and her sister is a survivor. I am worried about the future of my four daughters. There are too many women getting this disease! I was third on the surgical table that day for breast cancer and my surgeon operates three days a week. (Sacramento, Ca area) Thank you to all who are involved in raising awareness and funding for the breast cancer cure. Here’s praying the answers come soon.

  2. Touching story. I am in such awe of survirors and their families and friends. I am planning to join a three day walk in a few weeks and I cannot wait. The pink ribbons along the road I frequent call to me to join! Great post. Thank you.
    .-= Hayley´s last blog ..I Heart Faces Week 41 – PINK =-.

  3. lovely photos! Thanks so much for giving all of us the opportunity to share stories and photos in honor of this month! I have seen so many wonderful photos and read many touching stories.
    So many have been affected by this unforgiving disease.

  4. Amazing post and photos! Thank you so much for bringing awareness to all of your followers. With people like you, surely a cure for this disease will be discovered soon!

  5. My Grandmother also died of breast cancer, but had no photos of her that I have taken. I wish now, I had been able to take some before her death.

    LOVE the photos! I also love how they all have that pink tint to them! VERY nice! What an inspiring photo!

  6. I didn’t realize so many people in your family were affected by this disease…it’s easy to see why you are such a passionate supporter of Breast Cancer Awareness.

    Yay for your friend!! What an awesome way for her to pay tribute to her mom. I’m so glad she let you share her photos here.

    co-founder of I ? Faces

  7. Everyone should have a bra hat! Awesome!

    It is incredible when we stop to think about how many of our friends and relatives have been affected by this disease. It makes it that much more important to increase awareness. Thank you for supporting such a worthy cause!

  8. i am not familiar with the 3 day walk. i’ll have to look into that. great pictures ๐Ÿ™‚

    i have my pink shot posted now, too. please feel free to come on over and visit anytime :).

  9. Oh i’m always SO impressed by the 3-day walkers (and the 2-dayers, too!). Their dedication to training and fundraising and walking for the cause is unreal! i’m glad you posted her pictures.

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