Cute Printable To Do Lists to help you stay focused in a fun way! Time management tips and hand drawn illustrations with an 80’s sticker vibe.
Printable To Do Lists to Help You Focus on Getting Five Things Done!
I love to draw and excited to share my latest doodles that I turned into cute printable to do lists!
Lately, I’m having the hardest time getting things done, so I thought it was time to figure out a way to help me focus on my time management. With over 50,000 unread emails in my inbox (yes, you read that right!), I can get lost in my email for the entire day. The same thing happens when I get on Facebook or go to Target. You think you’ll just “pop in” for a few minutes, but end up there for hours! At least I’m that way…. I hope you have more will power than me. Ha!
Here is my thought, if I can get JUST FIVE things done in a day I feel like I accomplished something and my day did not go to waste. Of course, I’d love to do more than just five things on my to-do list, but I’m starting with the top five things that need to get done that day.
Simple Time Management Tips
This article states that we are truly focused for an average of only six hours per week. “You want to be really diligent with what you put into those hours,” David Rock, co-founder of the NeuroLeadership Institute and author of Your Brain at Work.
Rock said, most people focus best in the morning or late at night.
I think a few important tasks and several simple tasks written on a daily to-do list is much easier to achieve than a huge long list for the week.
Since I haven’t seen any time management printable to do lists focused on only doing five daily tasks, I made them. Drawing some cute doodles for them makes them more fun too!
Here is what I’m doing for my Daily To Do Lists:
1. MORNING: Complete 2 important things that absolutely need to get done.
This could be finish a deadline for work, pay bills, add money to my kids school lunch accounts, laundry, etc. These tasks are usually things that once I get done, I feel much better about my day.
2. AFTERNOON: Complete 1 task I enjoy doing.
I cook, style and photograph most of my recipes for the blog in the afternoons. Styling and creating things are my passion and this gives me a release.
3. EVENING: Complete 2 simple tasks.
Our evenings are mostly driving kids to sports practices, so I’m thrilled to to get at least two simple things done. I save these two spots on my to do list for mindless tasks. Things I just have to show up for and do without a lot of thinking involved! Simple tasks like editing photos for my blog (this is fun and simple for me), going to boot camp, vacuuming (it’s my favorite chore… no thinking needed!).
I’m really loving these cute to-do lists, and hope these ideas help you stay more focused throughout your day.
Download the Printable To Do Lists
These 4 Printable To Do Lists are exclusive designs just for Living Locurto Fun Club Members. As a Fun Club Member you get loads of fun printable designs, plus unlock brand new designs each month!
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