This week’s theme is Easter or Spring

I’ve lived in Texas for over 15 years and just now took photos in the blue bonnets. Of course I had to chase this little one around the entire time! This is about as good as I got that day:-) I will have to try again soon. She was bound and determined to walk all over the flowers. A nice couple on bikes rode by and tried to help me by talking to her, but she just ignored them and kept on walking. ha!

*** I’m a co-founder of I ? Faces and only entering for fun. **

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  1. Great outfit, great movement, great field of bluebonnets! Just think of the chase as your exercise for the day! 🙂 Well worth the aggravation, even if you didn’t get “the” shot that you pictured in your mind’s eye. This one is lovely!

  2. OK…so, I totally want to get to TX to see these flowers! They are beautiful! I have a friend that sent me her Easter photos (she lives in TX) and not until I saw your photos and a couple of others on this site did I realize there was a connection. LOL!

    Great shot BTW! I love that she is waltzing through the flowers and carrying a bunch in her hand!

    EL’s last blog post..I ? Faces: "Easter/Spring – Amateurs"

  3. I can’t get enough of the bluebonnets! They are so beautiful. I wanted to roll around in the fields I found today, except that I stepped in a bit of fire ants, and that deterred me from further frolicking!

    Brooke’s last blog post..I ? Faces – Easter/Spring

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