You might want some party favors to go along with The Hunger Games Free Party Printables that I designed last week.
Bookmarks are always fun and easy to give as gifts or party favors. Laminate them before using to make them last longer.
If you haven’t read The Hunger Games yet, go do it right away before you see the movie. It’s one of my favorite books!!!
Enjoy these free printables for personal use only. Not for sale or for commercial use in any form.
Download The Hunger Games Free Printable Bookmarks
Design © 2012 *Please fill out this form if you want to feature this project on your website.
The photos and images from The Hunger Games movie have been removed due to copyright.
More Hunger Games Fun
- The Hunger Games Free Party Printable Collection.
- Check out The Hunger Games Cookies Lizy B. made after seeing my printables!
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Thanks so much for making these – I used them for my daughter’s bday party and everyone loved them.
Could I buy one and how much do they cost?
Thanks, 🙂
hey wats the website
here in the uk they do not sell hunger games stuff so its nice to know i can print them off here. i have a friend called lexie me and her make mockingjay pins
Hey…where are the Gale book marks?? : )
I am SO excited for this movie!!
LOVE these book marks!!! I have already bought tickets for my son and I for the midnight showing. I think I may be more excited than he is!
I just started following you and these bookmarks have made me want to read the series. I’ve been in a book slump for some time now so I’m very happy, thanks 😀
Love these! My niece was so excited too!! Thank you!
I’ve been thinking about reading the book, and your printables are enticing me even more! Awesome!
You are so much fun! I love this, we have out tickets so now I need to plan a party using all your stuff-Thanks!
WOOO HOOO!!! Thanks so much! I just had to Pinterest this. I know it’s gonna be a big hit. : )
my daughter is on the second book and can’t wait to see the movie with my two nieces-they are reading the series too-i’m going to print these out for all of them and we can send them to my nieces in the mail-thans so much, i know they will love them!
Thanks for sharing these! I can’t wait for the movie to come out. My co-workers and I all got matching shirts and are braiding our hair and going to the midnight showing!
LOVE THESE!! Thanks to my 14 year old niece, Emily, I read The Hunger Games and am so excited for the movie coming out on March 23rd. I’ve printed out these bookmarks for Emily and her 10 year old sister, Abigail AND have posted them with a link to you on my Facebook page:
Well I of course have not read this book, buy my daughter and daughter in law are crazy about it. I wonder if I should do a little Hunger Games party?? 🙂
Thanks for sharing.
I love it! I’m so ready for the Hunger Games movie! Dh and I and maybe our 13 year old are going to the midnight show!