I hope you enjoy photos from my Halloween Party. I had a lot of fun making (and eating) everything!

Halloween Party Food Ideas & Recipes

Download my Free Party Printable Spider Tags to make your own cute cupcakes.

Halloween Party Food Ideas & Recipes - Carmel Apples

Carmel apples with crushed candy bar and chocolate! Yum!

Halloween Party Food Ideas & Recipes - Fingers

Making lady fingers out of bread sticks is always a spooktacular treat.

Halloween Party Food Ideas & Recipes - Mummies

These pretzel mummies are super easy. A cute idea I got from Bright Ideas, too bad mine didn’t turn out as pretty!

Halloween Party Food Ideas & Recipes

Simple details such as spiders and bugs on the food and eyeball candles make great decorations!

Halloween Party Food Ideas & Recipes

Halloween Party Food Ideas & Recipes

My friends at Sticviews enlarged my spider to make covers for my kid tables. I wish I had thought to make it a little larger to overlap the edges. but it still turned out great. Their stickers are waterproof and reusable, perfect for pumpkin painting or anything to do with kids crafts!

Halloween Party Food Ideas & Recipes

Don’t miss out on Terrorific Tuesday!! Head over to Alexa’s blog to see all the spooktacular craft ideas.

Terrorific Tuesday Halloween Craft Ideas

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  1. Love the Halloween ideas. I am going to use the cupcake toppers at my party. And I might add some spiders to the fun. The ladies fingers are my favorite!! I am doing a spider web pizza and mummy hot dogs too, which I just added on my blog!
    .-= Kristin´s last blog ..Halloween Party Treats =-.

  2. holy moly, I have never seen those simple breadstick fingers, and I’m totally going to make them tomorrow. What a riot!

    Baby steps for me, baby steps. . . but you have sure given me something to strive for!

  3. Those are so creative! I am having friends and family over tomorrow…and I think the kids would get a kick out of those treats. Just stoppin’ by from SITS! Have a great weekend!

  4. This is my first time to your place and I love it! Your booffet issuper spooktacular! Thanks for the cupcake topper download too! They will make the perfect top to my “Bloody Cupcakes” on my spooky mansion. WOOHOO!

  5. What a wonderful table, so full of creativity and fun ideas. You have wowed and dazzled me. I am going to try my hand at carmel apples on Friday, will definately try the candy bar crumbles, YUMMO!

  6. I love this! Your cupcakes are adorable, as is everything else. What a fun party… your friends are very lucky. ๐Ÿ™‚

  7. okay Amy you are getting ridiculous. I seriously think that you are the next Martha Stewart. Really. I am not exaggerating. You’re on the cusp and soon you’ll have your own magazine and TV show and we’ll sit back and think, wow. she made it. She is cool (well, you’re already cool but you know…)
    .-= the monkey’s mama´s last blog ..Clean Cousins =-.

  8. Love those cupcake toppers and so thankful for the PDF! Needed one more way to decorate cupcakes for Saturday night and thought I’d have to make some from scratch. Love being able to print and go!

  9. Dear Amy,
    your table is adorable! It gave me also some ispiration for the halloween party I will host on saturday! Thanks as always for sharing evenrything. Ilenia

  10. oh WOW Amy!! you did a awesome job!! I agree, magazine pictures for sure!! – can you tell me what lens you used for pictures like that? was it a 50mm?

    your food, decor everything looks amazing!! I’m taking my candy corn cupcakes some where on Friday – I may print your toppers – do I need cardboard or is reg. printer paper ok? and are those sucker sticks? (obviously I’ve never made cupcake toppers LOL)


    Thanks! This was no special lens, just the one that came with my camera:-) I use the thickest paper I have on hand for printing these. Then I tape toothpicks to the back. Adding ribbon is a cute touch, but I usually only do that for the top cupcake because I’m too lazy! ha. Lolly Pop sticks are much prettier and I use them for special occasions. I break them in half. Have fun!! – Amy

    .-= TidyMom´s last blog ..Glowing Jack o’ Lanterns & Halloween Apothecary =-.

  11. Amy, I swear.. Martha Stewart is going to be calling YOU for advice! Those pictures look like they came from a magazine! I am beyond impressed; how do you do it all? (and by all, I mean this part of your business, plus the photography and I Heart Faces, plus being an awesome mommy… etc etc….)?
    .-= Pam D´s last blog ..Yo ho hoโ€ฆ =-.

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