We love printing cute paper dolls at my house. I was excited to see these by Kireei.com on How about Orange. My daughter will love them. We print them on magnetic paper and play with them on the fridge or a cookie sheet! A perfect activity for the rainy weekend we are expected to have.
You can also find adorable holiday themed dolls on Babalisme. She’s a super talented illustrator!
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I love these so much…but i am having a hard time finding the part where the printables are. can you help?
These are so cute, oh my! I can’t wait until my daughter is old enough to play with paper dolls, SO FUN!!
Oh how cute! I wish I had a little girl around… Thank you for sharing the link!
This makes me wish I had a little girl even more! Besides my dog.
.-= Screwed Up Texan´s last blog ..Under Pressure =-.
I never even thought about making them magnetic! My daughter would LOVE that. Where do you find printable magnetic paper? Just any craft store? I have Micheal’s and Hobby Lobby near me.
So cute! I’m totally printing there out and putting them on my desk to have something “to do” when I’m “bored.” 🙂 🙂
Could those be any cuter?
I don’t think so!
When I was little…we would “PLAY PAPERDOLLS!” :o)
What a great idea to have them on magnetic paper! Wow!
Love these! Thanks for the link!
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