Make Dad a Super Hero Box of goodies! Jordan Ferney of Oh Happy Day! created these cute labels for Alpha Mom.

Make a cool DIY scratch off card by Design Dazzle.

Canon’s Creative Park has adorable Father’s Day Cards.

I love these retro Father’s Day Labels by Martha Stewart. Download the PDF file here.

Martha also has a cute DAD frame template you can download and trace onto card stock.

Paper Glitter has cute cupcake toppers.

One of my favorite treat ideas by Bakerella.

Check out these printables by My Delightful Designs!

Cathe Holden has cute clip art.

A cute coloring activity by Family Fun for young kids!

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  4. Amy, thank you SO much for posting my SUPER Dad download on your blog. I’ve admired your work for a while and am honored to have a mention from you!

  5. I saw the Hero pack on Alpha Mom last night-sooooo cute! It will be perfect for my son to give to his daddy! How perfect ! He is a police officer and I think this would make a great snack attack for his locker when he is hungry and can’t get away!

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