40th Birthday Party Ideas

I celebrated my 40th birthday this past weekend. Thanks so much for all of the great birthday wishes on Facebook! I have been planning my party for a while now and it turned out fabulous! I have a lot of photos to go through and can’t wait to show you all of the details. (There will be a few awesome birthday gift giveaways for you too!)

In the mean time, check out this inspiring 40th birthday party idea by Margot Madison. I actually used the same bright color scheme for my own party. So of course I loved her style right away. I also love the fact that she planned her own party to celebrate the friends and family who are so special to her. Thanks for submitting such a beautiful party Margot!


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  1. What a fabulous party. I am turning 40 in March, and want to celebrate. I am not sure how to celebrate. I love rock and roll and was thinking of throwing it at a bar with a band. My budget may be the issue. Do you have any thoughts?

    Happy 40th,

  2. Belated happy birthday, Amy! I hope that you had a good one. ๐Ÿ™‚ My 40th birthday was memorable too, lots of friends and family. It was a perfect day! They say that your real life starts at 40, I hope that’s true. Anyway, I wish you all the best. ๐Ÿ™‚

  3. That is this type of wonderful source that you’re providing and I like experiencing sites which view the valuation on delivering any leading source free. Happy belated 40th Birthday and what a beautiful party you had. The color scheme is amazing and so so pretty. I really cherished reading this page. Thanks!

  4. Hi Amy,

    I felt sorry for myself because I found your blog late for your birthday.. but anyway, belated happy birthday to you! ๐Ÿ™‚ The picture above really is so beautiful and I believe those were made by creative hands. I am now confident I’m on the right blog to get some ideas for surprises etc. I wish you more birthdays to come! Will check out more of your posts. Thanks!

  5. Happy belated 40th Birthday! What a beautiful party! The color scheme is amazing and so so pretty!
    Could you please do a post or email on how you made your pompom garland? Such as how many you used and how you strung them? I LOVE the look you achieved and would like to do something similar for my daughter’s 1st birthday party in December. I am new to all this decorating and so I’m a bit clueless.

  6. Wow love the colors…..can’t wait to see what you did with them for your party! By the way you don’t look a day over 30 =)
    throwing yourself a party is a great idea…..maybe I should give that a whirl…. =)
    thanks for all the fun

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