I’ve been thinking about teacher appreciation week and I thought you might get a kick out of the artwork from our last open house at school.

My son’s self portrait of what he would look like when he’s 100 years old…

Yeah, we need to work on our spelling and that iPod is already broke… so that won’t be happening:-)

Here is another one I got a giggle from…

I ventured down to the Kindergarten classes and found this…

Be thinking about your teacher and make sure to thank him or her!

Here are my two favorite easy gift ideas for teachers.

Making treats and using my Thanks, You’re Sweet Free Printable Baggie Labels

I love this left over crayon craft idea by Dawn.


These tags by Janna are really cute to make your gift complete.

What are you doing for your teachers?

*Don’t miss out on my Free Printable Mother’s Day Round-Up.*

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  3. Those are priceless Amy!!

    I saved a paper from one of my girls when they were little. They had to write about “If I become President, I would….”

    and she said buy a bigger house so my mom and dad don’t have to share a room! LOL…….I still chuckle when I think about that! lol
    .-= TidyMom´s last blog ..I’m Lovin’ It – Baking Organization =-.

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