Fun Popsicle Party Ideas with cute printable cupcake tags and party invitations that look like popsicles. Easy summer party ideas.Fun Popsicle Party Ideas with cute printable cupcake tags and party invitations that look like popsicles. Easy summer party ideas.

Popsicle Party Ideas with DIY Printables

Welcome summer with these super fun popsicle party ideas! Really, a popsicle party is fun anytime of the year. I enjoyed designing these cute popsicle party invitations and tags to make your parties extra special.

These popsicle party printables are perfect for a birthday party, summer pool party or simple backyard bash with the neighbors! Choose from a pink, yellow and orange theme or blue and green. Mix and match the two designs for a rainbow of colors!

DIY Popsicle Party Ideas. Cute printable invitations via @livinglocurto

Add this to your summer bucket list

I remember stocking up on popsicles to take to our boat dock when I was little. They wouldn’t last long in the cooler, but it was always one of my favorite treats. Now you can add these simple ideas to your list of things to do this summer with the kids. Serve cupcakes and popsicles for a fun filled afternoon!

Fun Popsicle Party Ideas with cute printable cupcake tags and party invitations that look like popsicles. Easy summer party ideas.

FUN DIY Popsicle Party Invitations

These Printable Popsicle Party invitations are super cute and so easy to make!

Fun Popsicle Party Ideas with cute printable cupcake tags and party invitations that look like popsicles.

How to make Popsicle Party Invitations

  1. Download and print the file. Click here to download the pink and orange invitation- (Fun Club Members enjoy the entire collection)
  2. Trim around the outer edge of the invitation with scissors, then fold in half.
  3. Write your party details on the back.
  4. Use a glue dot to secure a popsicle stick to the back of one side, then fold the invitation over and secure with more glue or double stick tape.
  5. Add to a 5×7 envelope and send to guests.

Fun Popsicle Party Ideas with cute printable cupcake tags and party invitations that look like popsicles.


Popsicle Party Tags

These sweet popsicle party tags could be used for gifts, stickers, lunch box notes or cupcake toppers. I love the bright colors! Choose from a pink, yellow and orange theme or blue and green. I hope you enjoy these cute tags!

DIY Popsicle Party Ideas. Cute printable cupcake tags via @livinglocurto

Print the Fun Club Exclusive Popsicle Party Printables

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 Originally published July 30, 2015



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