Today’s post brought to you by Jenn! She’s come up with some movie inspired valentines. Moulin Rouge is my all time favorite movie… oh and all you Twilight junkies will be SO EXCITED!!

Thanks for the great freebies Jenn!


I don’t know about you, but admittedly, I am one of those people that scrounge around for a Valentine’s or Christmas card at the very last moment to give to my husband and family members. So, for Valentine’s this year, I decided to save myself (and hopefully others?) the dilemma of the last-minute mad scramble, and designed some little Valentines that I can print out on a whim. Here are a couple of free downloads that I hope you’ll enjoy!

Moulin Rouge inspired Valentines (PDF)

And for the Twilight junkies (yes, I am one too):

Twilight Valentines (PDF)

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