I was going through my old archives and totally forgot about this free printable! Thought I’d re-post this fun idea in case you missed it…

Making play dough is a craft my kids always enjoy. I thought I’d make a recipe card that can be used as a gift for a friend or a sweet house warming present. Just put the flour & salt in a jar or bag and attach this recipe card with a ribbon and mini KoolAid pack.

Click the image to download, print and have fun!

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  1. I just can not imagine my childhood without playdough ๐Ÿ˜€
    and every time I find a new playdough recipe, I feel so sorry I had not tried it when I was a child ๐Ÿ˜€

  2. I know this was published a while ago, but every time my kids want to play playdough we look up this recipe and make this again. Today they are playing with blue & purple and having a blast. Thanks again!

  3. Great recipe. I’ll have to try that one it is nice and simple!

    I loved the chocolate playdough recipe:

    Playdough Recipe

    And the gingerbread one. I made them both for a christmas playdough special. Lots of fun, just don’t get tempted to eat them!

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