First off, I want to thank you all for your sweet birthday wishes!!! Wow! You made my day with your nice comments:-)

I’ve been a MIA blogger lately. It seems like there is so much going on, I’m having a hard time balancing everything. Soon, I’ll be kicking off my Christmas toy drive for lower income kids in my area. That is a huge job where we hope to get over 800 toys donated. With my charity events, plus work, kids, planning the I Heart Faces Photography Workshop and tennis, you might not see me around here as often. I’m sad because I wanted to do a big Halloween month, but by the time I get around to planning it… it will be Christmas! So if you don’t get a new post from me every day during October you know why:-(

I did find some really cute new Halloween printables. Be sure to click here to see some great Halloween & Thanksgiving printables from last year. Hope you have a wonderful weekend! -Amy

Roots and Wings Co. made the cutest no mold required ghost treats that really are super easy! Head over there to download the free template to make your own.

ghost suckers finished_thumb[1]

I also love this super creepy & cute Free Printable Invite from A Brooklyn Limestone.


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  1. Love the tag printable. What fun!

    You are doing such a great job juggling work, photography, blogs, and mothering and being a wife. Take care and keep up the good work!


  2. I wanted to stop by and thank you for the link. Rebecca did a great job with these lollypops! Another great thing about them is they really don’t use all that much chocolate per lollypop.

    We hope you drop in again really soon. We have a few more Halloween themed crafts planned over the next couple of weeks.

    Thanks again for the link!
    Katrina of the R&W Girls

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