Father's Day Ideas - Homemade Ho Ho Chocolate Cake Recipe. Free printable Father's Day gift tags. LivingLocurto.com

A Homemade Chocolate Ho Ho Cake Recipe you’ll love!

Father's Day Ideas - Homemade Ho Ho Chocolate Cake Recipe. Free printable Father's Day gift tags. LivingLocurto.com

I don’t know if you could tell by the sudden influx of tool commercials on T.V., but it’s almost Father’s Day. And if there’s one thing that I know about my husband, it’s that he loves Chocolate Ho Hos.  He’s been asking me to make them for months.

He’s all “Honey can you maybe make Ho Hos one day?” and I’m all “Husband, can’t you see that I’m busy making cupcakes for people I’ve never met before? I don’t have TIME to make stuff for someone that I actually love and am spending the rest of my life with”.

And then he doesn’t divorce me.

Which means that the man obviously deserves his beloved snack cakes for Father’s Day, dontcha think?

Father's Day Ideas - Homemade Ho Ho Chocolate Cake Recipe. Free printable Father's Day gift tags. LivingLocurto.com

I know that these don’t have the signature swirl of filling in the middle.

That’s because I tried to replicate that swirl. And failed miserably.

Turns out, it’s really hard to cut thin cake into small pieces and roll it up. Messy too. But then I remembered the Twinkie Pan that I have and I thought, wouldn’t that work?

I think it did!! And so easy.

To make the cake part, just bake Devils Food cake in the Twinke pan. I used box mix, but you can do homemade if that’s what tickles your fancy. Make sure not to fill the wells more than about 2/3 full.

Once cakes are cooled and removed from pans, make your filling:

  • 1/2 cup shortening
  • 1/4 cup salted butter, softened
  • 2 cups powdered sugar
  • 1/2 teaspoon vanilla

In the bowl of a mixer, beat butter, shortening and vanilla on medium speed until smooth and well combined. Add powdered sugar and beat on low until just mixed. Increase speed to high and beat for 2 minutes.

Once the cakes are cooled, you can pipe the filling in through the bottom of the cakes. This–> Twinkie Pan comes with a decorating set that is perfect for piping filling in.

Once you’ve piped the filling in, place the cakes in the refrigerator to chill for a few hours. Before you remove the cakes from the fridge, melt some chocolate almond bark or candy melts in a medium sized bowl.

Before dipping the cakes, cut the ends off.

Father's Day Ideas - Homemade Ho Ho Chocolate Cake Recipe. Free printable Father's Day gift tags. LivingLocurto.com

This will give them a more traditional Ho Ho shape.

Coat the cakes in the chocolate. I did this by placing them in the bowl and spooning the chocolate over them. Remove by sliding a fork underneath and placing on wax paper. Place in the refrigerator to harden. Makes about 20 cakes.

But guess what? That’s not all…

Super talented Amy designed cute manly printables to wrap around the finished cakes. Use these little tie pattern wraps that match her free printable Father’s Day tags for an extra special gift.

Just print out the strips and trim to fit the cakes. Wrap around, trim and tape on the bottom. You could use card stock or regular paper. Print the tags and cut with a 2 inch round cutter. Tape to the top.

That’s it!! And now you just made the most awesome Father’s Day dessert ever.

Download the Free Father’s Day Printables

** For Personal Use Only   •   NOT for Commercial Use   •   © 2009-2016 LivingLocurto.com

Be sure to thank all the hard working dads in your life. Have a wonderful Father’s Day!!

KristanAbout Kristan

Kristan is a fun mom from rural Arkansas with an amazing talent for creating cute recipes along with humorous stories. Find her on Confessions of a Cookbook Queen, Twitter Facebook.


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  1. Just found this post. I love the idea but can improve on the coating part. Usually when I need to coat something in melted chocolate, I put one of my cooking racks on a 2″ deep baking pan. This will allow me to be able to pour the chocolate over the item and not make a mess. The melted chocolate will “pool” in the bottom of the baking pan and it can be saved and reused for another cake or saved for a future use.

  2. These are brilliant! I have to have that pan! Didnt even know there was a twinkie pan. Love the printable wraps too–terrific idea! Thanks for posting this!!

  3. Oh YUM! Problem is – I could make these for my husband for Father’s Day…but he doesn’t like them. BUT that could mean more for me ๐Ÿ™‚ I think I’ll make them anyway ๐Ÿ™‚ ๐Ÿ™‚

  4. Only a true QUEEN can make a rockin HO HO. If I make these can you ensure I will get a lift on my gymboree and white house black market spending limit?

  5. Wow, these look so beautiful I can taste them. I’ve never thought to make this kind of treat myself but I bet they would taste better than the ones in the store!

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