I know some of you are dying to know what our family costumes were, so here is a hint…

Officer Little Dude just got an important call. There’s been a robbery at 1st National Bank!!! ……. And he’s off!!!








Wow! He’s getting promoted to Chief of Police for catching these scary bank robbers! That big one is REALLY scary. Luckily the little one couldn’t run very fast!

Yeah, that was a scary sight to be greeted at the door by me with panty hose on my head! ha. I tell you what, I sure had a good laugh at my husband’s face in this shot!! ha. He looks soooo creepy!!

Thanks to my friends who made this so fun!

The kids had fun painting pumpkins, jumping in the bounce house, eating yummy treats, getting door prizes, bashing the pinyata and their favorite, going on a walk to see the neighborhood Halloween decor! It was a fun filled night!

Check out all the costumes and food! My favorite was the bloody syringe pen party favor. I’m disappointed in myself for not getting more action/party shots. But hey, I can’t do it all. You try getting 15 kids hyped up on sweets to sit still for a photo! ha. I wish you bloggers lived closer to me so you could take my photos!

Want to know who won the best family themed costume award? Go HERE.

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I hope to inspire creativity with my blog. I like to showcase crafts, decorating and party ideas. I also provide FREE downloads of my original art. Life to me is about family, creativity and having fun!

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  1. Cop and Robbers costume: I love it but baby should have been dressed as the money sack!!! ๐Ÿ˜€

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  3. Oh I just love the cop and robbers costumes! So cute. I can’t believe your little one left the hose on her head, my child would rip it off before I got it on. I see super heros were popular this year and I just love the pirates and witch. So cute! Looks like you had a great time!

    BTW my daughter’s favorite color is pink also. Don’t forget to join in on the giveaway!

  4. And here I thought you’d stopped blogging! For some reason my feeder hasn’t updated your stuff since October 10th! Have you had anyone else having trouble with that?

    I love the photos from your event–you really go all out!

  5. Looks like you had a blast. I love all the food ideas.. I may have to try the panty hose thing, we are looking for something easy to embarass the kids with. ..just might work.

  6. Oh what a fun party! The food looks amazing. I love your family costume concept…too clever!

    Thanks for joining the fun.


  7. This year’s family costume made me laugh (of course the previous years’ costumes – especially the White Trash High School Couple – also made me laugh) – so creative. It looks as if the party was a roaring success! (Can I also say that your little Batman and Robin guests are TOO CUTE.)

  8. Oh my word…I am so not worthy to be your friend! That party was AMAZING Amy!! Your treats are out-of-this-world cute. Your friends must have had a blast.

    And your family costume….let’s just say that it was definitely worth the wait. Your son is hysterical (and a very realistic police officer.)

    Angie in OH

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