We’re going on an adventure to Yellowstone & Grand Teton National Parks!
Have you ever had something exciting happen that took years of planning and waiting before it finally came true? Well, I’ve been waiting a over a YEAR to tell you about one of my exciting upcoming trips! I can’t believe it, but I actually won a trip with National Geographic in Yellowstone and the Grand Teton National Parks!!!
My family has never been to Montana or Wyoming, so what a dream come true to experience one of our natural treasures and to discover the magic along with National Geographic experts!
How did I win, you ask? Over a year ago, I entered to win a contest sponsored by National Geographic at one of my favorite conferences, Mom 2.0 Summit. After writing several essays, making the top 10, then doing face to face interviews, they chose my family to attend one of the National Geographic Family Expeditions. I couldn’t believe it!!!
I had been trying to plan a trip to Yellowstone for years, but it’s a HUGE trip to plan and frankly I got too stressed out with it all and just stopped. So this trip is such a blessing because National Geographic Family Expedition trips do all of the planning for you. You just choose a destination, get your plane tickets and the rest is taken care of. Plus, you get to do things other tourists wouldn’t… because HELLO… it’s National Geographic!
I love to travel and had no idea they hosted trips until entering the contest. If you’re going to go on a tour, the National Geographic Family Expeditions are the way to go. I’m a big believer in giving your kids the gift of travel to experience historical places and learn about new cultures.
You can go all over the world with National Geographic. Their family expeditions go to so many dream destinations. I’m still pinching myself when I read about all of the cool things we get to see and do in Yellowstone and Grand Teton Parks! We are going on this trip –> here.
It’s also the 100th anniversary of U.S. National Parks and National Geographic has been celebrating all year long!
If you want to learn more about the parks, be sure to check out some of the fantastic books by National Geographic. Here are few of my favorites, The National Parks: An Illustrated History and Yellowstone Country.
To share history and National Parks in a fun way with kids, National Geographic has all kinds of great books for children –> here.
We leave soon and I can’t wait to share my photos with you! Be sure to follow along on Instagram and Facebook.
Okay, I need to go pack for our trip. I have never been white-water rafting or hiking in Montana… I’m off to Google what to wear. ha!
If you have any travel tips, please tell me over on my Facebook page -> here.
Thanks to National Geographic for sending my family to Yellowstone and Grand Tetons! All opinions are my own.