Blogging has made me fat! Seriously… since starting to seriously blog a year ago, I bet I’ve gained at least 15-20 lbs and that is at the least. Luckily, I’m tall and extra weight doesn’t show much, but I feel yucky. So I’m on a health kick! I’m trying to cut back on breads (it’s HARD!), walk more, drink lots of water along with eating more fruits and vegetables.

When I saw this free printable healthy goal list by Baca Creative I had to share it with you. It’s the perfect list just for my “visual learner” personality!! What a great printable. Thanks Christa!

What are you doing to get ready for swim suit weather???

Please share your secrets in the comments. I need all the advice I can get:-)

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  1. Glad that you like the lists!! What a great blog and wonderful community you have established! I have to loose about ten lbs. I just had a baby nine weeks ago. My biggest advice to all of us is that we can be as thin as we desire on the outside but if we are not happy on the inside then we won’t truly feel beautiful. I’m challenging myself to love myself and not to be so critical of every little bodily imperfection. Have a lovely day!!

  2. Hey, I’m a writer and have been working from home for 4 years now and I have gained a ton of weight from it, so yes, blogging is most likely one culprit! It’s all about calories, less in and more out. I’ve used Calorie Counter and have lost 20 pounds since January, but recently I made some of Bakerella’s Cake Pops, so the pounds have been slow to come off lately!
    .-= Valerie Mellema´s last blog ..Tuesdays Unwrapped: Sunshine =-.

  3. “Spring Cleaning” my life… starting with a fast beginning this Friday… this isn’t to lose weight {though that is definitely part of the long term plan}… but, to reset my life & begin to incorporate changes that will become a constant in my life instead of a means to an end…
    .-= Kim Hancock´s last blog ..SUNnFUN FLy-In 2007 =-.

  4. @keli,

    I loved being pregnant in the summer… I actually had boobs and could wear a strapless bathing suit without it falling off! ๐Ÿ™‚ Good times.

  5. @Emilie @ Bunch of Scrap,

    Well I can relate to the flat chest!! ha! The last time I had to gain weight was in high school. I’d much rather have to eat than not. Good luck with everything. It’s hard to stay healthy with small children around that’s for sure!

  6. I need this! I do not eat healthy at all… and you are going to hate me but I actually need to gain and maintain weight. I kind of “forgot” to feed myself after I had my last baby. It got really bad. My hair around my face fell out, I got deep dark circles under my eyes, my skin is all wrinkly and thin and ghost white. My mom and hairdresser actually had an intervention. I was paying so much attention to my new baby that I didn’t take care of myself. I got down to 103 lbs! I am now eating more but not healthy and I SERIOUSLY need a reminder to drink water. Thank you for posting this! BTW – my swim suit plan is not to wear one if possible! I have always hated my “boy” body… flat chested with square hips ๐Ÿ™
    .-= Emilie @ Bunch of Scrap´s last blog ..Reminder – Mini Swap Sign Ups =-.

  7. this is so great!! i’m totally saving it for later.

    i’m preparing for the pool by debating on whether or not i should just let my pregnant belly hang out in my normal bikini or buy a maternity suit that kind of makes me look like a beached whale. hmmm. decisions, decisions.
    .-= keli´s last blog is weird =-.

  8. Hi Amy…doing WeightWatchers…10 lbs in one month! Yeah! Weigh-in tonight so hopefully a few more. It really does work, I was skeptical at first but it makes you think about everything you put in your mouth and say is this worth a point, 2 points? Cause it stinks when you run out or are low on points when it is dinner time! Good luck…L:)

  9. So it’s BLOGGING that did it to me! Whew! I too need to lose 12 lbs. I am currently hiding it with loser tops and comfy skirts. Forget about swimsuit season– I plan on staying inside. The only thing I’m really worried about it if I will have a single pair of jeans that will fit when Fall rolls around!
    .-= Marsha´s last blog ..I Heart Faces: Collage =-.

  10. @Emily@remodelingthislife,

    I blame it on blogging! Remember the Thigh Buster by Suzanne Sommers? I need one of those while sitting at my desk:-) Wonder if I could find one on eBay? ha!

  11. I had an appt. last week and I have gained 13 pounds since last year. I probably needed it, but I think it’s a sign in general that I need to be healthier, so I am trying. I am going to print this. Thanks so much for putting here so I could find it.


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