Living Creative Thursdays - Link Up and Share DIY Blog Party at #LivingCreative

Living Creative is a fun blog community link party where people share photos of their creative living on Instagram by using the hashtags #LivingCreative & #LivingLocurto.

The goal is to create community, get to know others and inspire each other with our “Creative Living”. Not only is it a fun way to share creative DIY ideas, but a way for Amy Locurto to give back to the Living Locurto Community by featuring other’s creative projects.

I hope you will participate in Living Creative and spread the word by telling your friends or pinning the graphic above. Thanks! -Amy

#LivingCreative – Share your Creative Ideas!

  • Share your creations on Instagram with the hashtags #livingCreative & #LivingLocurto!
  • Living Locurto will feature some goodies on Thursdays!

How Living Creative works:

1. Share something creative that you have done by uploading a photo to Facebook or Instagram with the hashtag #LivingCreative.

If you would like to be featured that week you may…

2. If the photo is something that you blogged about, be sure to put your link in the description.

3. Please click “Like” or leave comments if something catches your eye or inspires you. If you could leave one comment a day for each photo you add, that would be great!

4. I will feature a few projects here at Living Locurto. (Feature days will depend on my schedule. It will most likely will be on Thursdays.) I can only link to your blog if you leave a link for me, so don’t forget!

**ANY photos or blog posts where you are Living Creative can be shared!**

The photos can be old or new, you can share as many photos as you like. Once you have shared a photo, please don’t use that photo again.

EACH Month we can do this!
If you want to participate, but haven’t done anything creative in a while, dig through some old photos or blog posts… I’m sure finding those images will inspire you and others well.

**TERMS:  By uploading a photo to Living Creative, you give Amy Locurto permission to display your photo on or Facebook & Instagram feeds. – Credit will always be provided.

I can’t wait to see your creative photos! -Amy


Enjoy samples of past Living Creative Thursday Features! See more featured DIY ideas here.

Cute Boy Party Food Ideas

Cute food Ideas for a Boy Birthday Party!


Girl Party Ideas


Creative DIY Girl Birthday Party Ideas featured on Living Creative Thursday at - Hello Kitty, Peacock Princess, Mary Poppins, 1st Birthday, and a Rock Star Party.


7 DIY Halloween Party Ideas

7 Spooktacular DIY Halloween Party Ideas! Featured from Living Creative Thursday at